View Full Version : OS X : Skitch Plus is free now

09-02-2011, 20:22
For those of you who were pissed off that Skitch started charging for certain features, you'll be pleased to know that the 'Plus' features are now free. We've got back the functionality we used to have.

Go to the skitch website using this link (http://www.skitch.com/love), log in, hit the button and then simply close and reopen skitch :)

09-02-2011, 20:40
Excellent. Thanks for posting that :)

09-02-2011, 21:08
Free for a year it says :(

Joe 90
10-02-2011, 19:38
this looks brilliant. thanks.

10-02-2011, 22:39
Free for a year it says :(

Better than not free at all. I did email them when they brought out their pricing structure saying that I'd happily pay a one off cost for Skitch Plus but I objected to the yearly fee because I never use their hosting. They replied saying they'd had a lot of feedback and were considering their options. I suspect this year grace period is to sort things out.