View Full Version : Bargains Atom Netbook £150 and unlimited mp3 downloads

17-02-2011, 21:07
I stumbled across an add in the paper for Argos for netbooks.
http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5084289/Trail/searchtext%3EARGOS+TECHNOLOGY+SALE.htm#pdpFullProd uctInformation

They might be worth looking at for someone. Downsides for me is no ION chipset so it will struggle doing HD content.
Finally for the crafty bit. Buy a mobile from here:-

Pocket the mp3 download thingy and flog here:-

We've got one in the office, it isn't locked at all. If in a couple of weeks once the offer has finished you get your money back, I call that unlimited mp3 downloads for nowt :cool: