View Full Version : Anybody got an old iPod they don't want?

27-02-2011, 11:21
New car has an iPod adaptor cable in the glovebox and whilst I can connect my phone to it, I don't really want to have it in the glovebox.

Does anybody have an old iPod they don't want any more? I only carry around about 4GB of music so doesn't have to be massive and not fussed on holw old it is or condition as it will live in the glovebox anyway.

27-02-2011, 11:32
I've got a 4Gb 1st generation Nano somewhere around here that I've not used in years. If I can find it and assuming it still works then it's yours.

27-02-2011, 11:34
Do you have a budget? Just I've got a brand new latest model one sat here that I paid for by claiming on the insurance when I lost my 5th gen one (which I then found)
Only thing is it's pink.
I keep meaning to bung it on eBay.

27-02-2011, 11:54
I've got a 4gb ipod mini that I don't use anymore. :)

27-02-2011, 12:12
Do you have a budget?
£0 to beer money really ;D

Thing is, I've got CD's and I've got my phone so there's no real need to spend money on it at all, it would just be really handy if I could have a separate device that lived in the glove box.

Burble, Will...If they work in the car and you're happy to let them go for £0-not a lot then I'll give them a whirl next time we meet up, there's no major rush :)

27-02-2011, 12:21
No worries just thought i'd check. Really must get it on the bay. :)

27-02-2011, 12:22
If it works in your car then you can have it for the princely sum of £0. I've not used it in years so if you can use it, then great.

I doubt I'll see you before Daz and Dee's wedding but can send it over before if you want. Or if I'm flying into Stansted one evening I can pop it over.

27-02-2011, 15:21
It works but I don't think it holds it's charge very long - but you could leave it charged in the car?

28-02-2011, 10:55
Cheers guys.

Will, as you say it can stay in the car charging so battery life isn't a problem. I'm happy to wait until the wedding, don't want to put either of you out although if you're happy to pop it in the post or drop in if passing then go for it :)

01-03-2011, 20:18
If I pop up to see you for a training weekend before the wedding I'll bring it with me. :)

28-04-2011, 21:25
Still feel cheeky asking, but did either if you guys have one kicking around? Ideal time to sort it out this weekend :)

28-04-2011, 21:27
Yep, I'll bring it up with me.

29-04-2011, 00:03
I'll bring mine too if you want?

01-05-2011, 13:21
I ended up buying an iPod Touch which also just sits in the glovebox all the time - seems a bit of a waste really :)

04-05-2011, 12:30
MASSIVE thanks to the Burble for the iPod :)

All happily sitting in the car loaded up with tunes.

04-05-2011, 14:37
No worries :)