View Full Version : ArrrrrroOOOOOOOOOOo! SUPER MOON time!

18-03-2011, 09:05
Hey hey Kids!

Tomorrow evening we're going to be seeing the full moon at a SUPER size!!

Biggest, brightest and closest since 20years prior - being 10% bigger and 30% brighter!

It all varies due to it's orbit... it's currently at what is called perigee to us wee people which means it's around 50,000km closer to us than when it's at apogeee (I always say "a bogey"... so mature) when it's at it's furthest away!

Here... a couple of linkies to read!

NASA Moony Moony (http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2011/16mar_supermoon/)

Moony MOon (http://edition.cnn.com/2011/US/03/18/nasa.moon/)

Lock yourselves up people, some dicky bird tells me there's going to be some girls on the town tomorrow night going WIIIIILLLLLLLLLD! ArrrrrrroOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hahahaha!

Enjoy peoples


Fellow Lover of the MOOOON (just as much as the spoon)

18-03-2011, 09:07
OMG!!! The Moon is going to CRASH INTO THE EARTH!!! It's getting closer by the day!! We're all doomed... DOOMED I tell ya!!

Where's Bruce Willis when you need him!!!

18-03-2011, 09:09
OMG!!! The Moon is going to CRASH INTO THE EARTH!!! It's getting closer by the day!! We're all doomed... DOOMED I tell ya!!

Where's Bruce Willis when you need him!!!


Brucey Wucey is strictly forbiffened to helping out with this situation. He's made me teary one too many times in Armageddon, he can stay at home and sing Swinging on a Star to us all.

18-03-2011, 09:54

Brucey Wucey is strictly forbiffened to helping out with this situation. He's made me teary one too many times in Armageddon, he can stay at home and sing Swinging on a Star to us all.

B b b b but... no Bruce..... means the END FOR US ALL!!!

The End is Nigh!

The Bill is Nighy!

I blame Planet X... and the Con Dem coalition of course.

18-03-2011, 11:54
I feel that a reposting of this is appropriate:


18-03-2011, 12:13
There'll be some random things happening during this period that's for sure. The Casualty department is always busier on a full Moon, sounds stupid but it's true. With a Super Moon we'll have people going Mental all over the place. ;D

18-03-2011, 20:02
Anyone know how to contact Dr. Hans Zarkov? ;)

If it's not cloudy, I might be out with the camera. The quarters are better for photographic purposes, but might as well give it a shot. :)

18-03-2011, 20:47
I'm a day early, but it's a lovely crisp evening, so...


Not a patch on what I'd be able to do with a telescope, but not bad nonetheless. Just as well I could use a fast shutter as the image was wobbling like crazy (I'd get a better tripod if I used it enough to justify it).

18-03-2011, 20:48

18-03-2011, 22:27
Oh great, I'm at work. :(

20-03-2011, 21:03
It were cloudy :( Booo!

But we went wild all the same :D

20-03-2011, 22:20
T'wasn't here. Well, not until about midnight when it got hazy. Needn't have worried about the photo op (but anyone with an interest in astronomy knows you take your chances when you get them :)).

Took a couple of hundred photos last night. Might try stacking them to see if any more detail can be resolved.

21-03-2011, 19:12
Saw a lovely low red moon over Falmouth on Saturday night, but it was too hazy later on. Friday night, however, the A30 was lit up beautifully as I drove to Cornwall late after work.

What bothers me is when people dont clearly explain that the moon reaches its maximum. People become of the opinion, through misinformation, that its a one night event when it (obviously) gradually gets bigger over a series of nights and then gradually gets smaller.

Grrrr (irrational thing that annoys me? Perhaps!!!) ;)

21-03-2011, 20:10
Heh I thought that was just obvious! This is why although I was excited to try and see it at its fullest I'm not oooovverrly bothered as it's been snuggly big lately anyway! :D

MOoony moon moooon!

22-03-2011, 09:52
I tried to sneak a peek last night when we went down to the theatre, but it was hiding :(

I wanna see a big moon... and I don't mean Rik Wallers uncovered posterior!