View Full Version : Facebook questions

25-03-2011, 14:25
I'll save spamming up the main part of the forum by posting this in here. Before we start, lets get something clear: im a n00b. Good, glad we cleared that up ;D

Roight. Friends lists. I need to start sorting my friends and family out. Originally it was just friends and family, so I just watched what I said. Now there are a few work people in there and an increasing number of forum people who I kind of know but don't. Does adding everyone to friends lists keep them seperate? Example: Say I had someone in a car forum in a list called 'Car Fora', can they see what my Grannie is saying in the list called 'Family'? If not, how do I keep them seperate?

When I update my profile or status, who gets to see this? Can I status update to particular groups? What if I post something inappropriate for the kids in the family to see, like a swear word? How do I stop them seeing it?

Likewise with photos. I'd like to put more photos up, but I don't necessarily want pictures of my work do available to all and sundry. Possible to limit who sees what?

25-03-2011, 15:01
As far as I know there is no easy way of doing what you want. You need to go to Account > privacy settings and have a play. I'm not sure if there's a way to make separate groups. Although you can specify exact people.

25-03-2011, 15:20
You can stop certain friends seeing status updates and photos etc. You have to select them in the privacy settings. There's a drop down tab you add friends you want to stop seeing whatever to. Make sure you save it when you're done.

26-03-2011, 15:39
Cooool. I need to have a play.

26-03-2011, 17:31
Create the groups then just press the padlock button when you make a post/album/video/whatever :) That way the selected group(s) will be able to see it and nobody else.

Also, your friend will/will not be able to see your Gran's stuff dependant on your Gran's settings (i.e. whether or not she allows friends of friends to see her stuff)

30-03-2011, 20:51
These issues are the reason I don't "do" Facebook.

I have various "groups" of friends and don't really want them interacting at all, nor being able to see each other on my friends list and possibly sending friend requests to them.

What I'd like is the ability to have totally separate groups of friends who can't even see people in my other friend lists, unless I configure it that way, but I realise this goes against the whole ethos of social networking so will never happen.

30-03-2011, 23:20
^^ Sounds like you are just looking for a network? ;D