View Full Version : FAO: DIYers - Grout & Silicone Sealant

30-03-2011, 18:16
Ahoy hoy,

I'm doing a spot of fixing up in my bathroom (because the landlord is too lazy and I can get the money back from the agents) and am fitting a couple of new tiles at the back of the bath where we put our soaps and shampoos etc. as there was just a film of sealant over a piece of wood previously!
I've stuck the tiles in place using tile adhesive and am waiting a while before grouting in between them and then will seal the edges with silicone.

My question is, after the tiles are stuck to the wall/surface is there any reason I couldn't use silicone sealant between them rather than grout?

The grout is chipping off between a few of the wall tiles and touching it up is going to be a pain and I wasn't sure whether it would have been even possible/suitable to do the whole thing from the start with silicone as it's flexible.

30-03-2011, 22:17
I HATE silicone... more than I hate gloss! Hahaha!

I would say that using grout helps secure the tile in position and prevents it from moving if it is knocked as it solidifies, where as silicone (being flexible as you pointed out) would give it the opportunity to move about more, meaning it will have a higher chance of coming away from the tile adhesive on the wall and then might cause issues is water goes through behind it etc.

Use grout. 100%. Plus silicone - as much as it's handy - is an utter **** to get off tiles (natural tiles anyway!) and it also can shrink if you don't get the good stuff and discolours. It's horrible.

Do the job properly - it will look better too :) Pick up a grout scraper thingy (they've got a jagged edge you can scratch away the grout with - only a couple of squid) and dig out the crappy grout and reseal it properly.

Grout is super easy to apply if you've got yourself a grout float - I'd invest (but then I want all the tools in the woooooorld! MU HA HA!) and then just take a moist sponge to run over it and wipe the tiles and bobs your uncle.

Grout grout grout :) Silicone SUCKS!

31-03-2011, 05:20
Moist... uhhuhhuhhuh :p

Anyway, yes, I agree with the Goddess of DIY and would use grout. Silicone sealant is an absolute **** to apply and get off. I bought one of those grout scraper thingies, but it's still on the car dashboard. I used a wallpaper scraper and my finger to apply the grout on the tiles in the bathroom :D

31-03-2011, 07:59
I love the fact two ladies have replied to this ;)

(PS we're LAaaaaaaaaaaAADIES don't you know!?! ;D)

31-03-2011, 08:06
Another vote for old grouty. Silicone would get everywhere and be a pain to clean up, then look funny in a few months as it starts to flake off the tiles and stuff.... it's OK between the bath and the tiles, where you need some flexibility, but I wouldn't use it between tiles.

31-03-2011, 08:34
(PS we're LAaaaaaaaaaaAADIES don't you know!?! ;D)

Shut it you sccccchhhhlllaaaaaggg! ;D

31-03-2011, 08:54
It's good advice but I cannot authorise it I'm afraid as it came from Females & they know nothing about such things. :withstupid:

31-03-2011, 10:00
Hey, I'm not a Female!:angry:

31-03-2011, 10:24
Hey, I'm not a Female!:angry:

I would say prove it but the word GAYER is flashing sporadically in my head & refusing to let me.
This thread Breaks All the rules. :bod2:

31-03-2011, 10:56
Hey, I'm not a Female!:angry:



31-03-2011, 11:48


FFS :angry:

There's nothing wrong with wearing a nice dress now and again.

Especially a nice low cut number.

with sequins.

And anyway, I think anybody would agrre that a bit of lippy and some blush can improve any face.:cool:

Although I find suspenders can chaff a little...:o

31-03-2011, 18:53
All done and done :p

Cheers for the advice, had a feeling it would have been you two ladies (and possibly the third, lady leon(a) )

There ended up only being 2 little gaps for grouting. all the other joins were between wall and flat surface and then flat surface and bath so used silicone for those.

Contrary to you ladies I love silicone sealant - am a dab hand at applying it and never have any issues :p

Pheebs, I'd love to invest in all of that stuff and do a proper job around the whole bathroom but as it's not my house and I won't get paid back for any tools or time I really cant be bothered to spend too much time on it. This was just a task that was easier for me to do myself and definitely needed doing.

I'll just let the agents know about the current problems and then it's theirs to deal with when I move out.

Currently looking at places to buy for the future - scary stuff!

Now I'll let you two get back to your flirting!

31-03-2011, 20:50
FFS :angry:

There's nothing wrong with wearing a nice dress now and again.

Especially a nice low cut number.

You need to be posting this in the Nork Day thread!

SW - Ahhh thought you might be a bit cheeky and be able to claim back for a few squid on the tools ;D

Obviously didn't know the extent of the job! I still vote grout though! Hahaha! You're a dab with silicone? Go you! Please can I borrow your expertise the next time I use it?! (UGH.. this will be next week sealing up below kitchen tiles. UGH UGH UGH.)

Maybe because you're a man you're able to handle sticky uncontrollable fluids better.


Glad you got it all sorted!

31-03-2011, 21:10
Ice cold hands and fairy liquid, that's the best solution for silicone sealant :D

Also masking tape works really well to protect surfaces but you still have to smooth the silicone down afterwards.

Most people hate dealing with it, you've just gotta persevere till you get your technique :p

31-03-2011, 21:17
Squirt, wipe, get covered, curse, wipe, get sticky hands, curse, get in hair, curse, get on sides, curse, get on towel, holes appear, squirt more, curse, sticky towel causes mess on side, curse, pull off tape - it looks weird, wipe more, curse, get grumpy, try and wash hands, fail, shout obscenities, stomp off.

I have no patience with the stuff ;D