View Full Version : The Walking Dead
No spoilers please if you have already seen the whole of the first series!!
Am I the only one who hasn't seen this? I'm beginning to think I am one of the few (no Sky etc). Really enjoyed the first episode, though I've just finished watching it now rather than watching it yesterday. It's probably just me, but I really don't want to watch this kind of show on a Sunday evening. Sunday is for the last of my chill out time before back to work, take it easy and relax and chill before bed, not for suspense, peril and brains ;D
There was only one bit of the first episode that jarred a bit with me but maybe there is a reason for it I'll find out later in the series. There were some really sad/touching moments in it too. Thought Andrew Lincoln did a good job, especially at the start when he first came round and saw what had happened. He also did a good of being very hot in it but anyway....:p ;)
Anyway I'll definitely be giving the rest of the series a watch, seems promising so far.
11-04-2011, 20:06
Enjoy it's brilliant!!! :D
11-04-2011, 20:09
I too watched it this afternoon as well. After the first 20 mins, I knew i'd never be able to sleep if I watched any more, and so stuck the rest on record.
Really enjoyed it though, some of it was rather gruesome, but still good. :)
Very good, but not enough episodes for a series! Glad there's more on the way. There's one character who has gone AWOL that I'm intrigued to see make a reappearance.
Del Lardo
11-04-2011, 20:37
Very good series, really enjoyed it on FX.
11-04-2011, 20:47
Channel 5 on demand, go go go!
There are dolls in the first few minutes :( :( :( :(
I'm not gonna sleep tonight am I?
I loved the first ep, found the 2nd one really hard to stomach but after that I LOVED IT!!
I didn't realise the last one was the last one as it ended so abruptly. I felt shortchanged!
how many episodes?!
Just watched the first! Not as scary as I figured it would be! Slow moving zombies = not so bad. Combined with convos with people on MSN = unscared!
Only thing that's unnerved me was I forgot to lock my back door and when I went to do it I couldn't find the key... and so checked the door and it's locked! Oooerr missus! Zombies aren't that clever though.
All reminds me, must get out my zombie survival kit from the loft. Not much use up there.
It's absolutely amazing. Can't wait for season 2
12-04-2011, 07:05
how many episodes?!
I think they said 6.
12-04-2011, 10:46
I will catch up on this later :) However from what you guys have said it sounds like it could freak me out!! Eeek.
Tink it's slow moving Zombies!! Thus not so scary! Gory mind! Looking forward to next episode :D
12-04-2011, 13:10
I think they said 6.
Yep. 6 episodes for the first season with the second commissioned and due to start broadcasting Halloween this year.
12-04-2011, 13:11
Pheebs, I hope you are right! I am no good with scary programs. Blood and Gory I can take :)
Put it like this, one part I laughed at a walking dead (it was funny) and the only part that made me jump was involving people and no zombies.
I did shout run a few times at the screen though... and had Mei distracting me on Msn with funny tales :D
12-04-2011, 15:55
If you watch all the series, you owe it to yourselves to buy the comic books on which they're based. The books are very different to the series (after the first couple of comics anyway) , and in my opinion even better than the TV series, which I thought was absolutely brilliant. Can't wait for the next TV series to see if it starts following the comics again or moves in a completely different direction.
12-04-2011, 16:19
Something I heard on the radio yesterday said it will continue to follow the comics closely :)
14-04-2011, 07:14
Sorry but I giggled d_at_funeral_parlour/
16-05-2011, 19:04
Just watched the end of series one. Aaaarrgghhh!!! When is series 2 appearing?
16-05-2011, 19:35
Is that for *ahem* borrowing from the US, or on CH5?
Um... US I think... :p
As I watched the first series 'online' Im not sure if this current screening on UK tv is the first time or a repeat. If it's the former then I think Halloween will be the US release. It was first available to view last halloween so if the latter it could be a long wait!
(*whispers to all* unless someone arranges a dvd) ;)
16-05-2011, 20:02
Little late to the party but I've been watching it on Sunday nights... really good! Liked the look when it was on the other channel but never got round to watching it so glad it's been picked up from the start :)
Me and Lom watched ep1 on my phone in bed last night (aww bless!).
Liking it so far. Lom kept hiding under the covers saying "it's going to make me jump isn't it?"
I'm at work tonight with the rest of the series...
Message for Lom. Yes. And Ep2 will make you squirm. But it's not so bad after that!
Trailer for season 2 is out......... October is so far away, hope there isn't too much of a delay before it gets to UK terrestrial! Spoilers from season 1 in it for those who haven't finished watching it yet:
24-07-2011, 17:22
You're right, its too far away!
As a reader of the graphic novels - it's incredibly exciting to see this returning for further series! :D
Just finished watching episode 3 from series 2. It made me cry!!
When Shane shot Otis! It was literally a hand to mouth moment and it made me cry (I very rarely cry at stuff but it was just so sad despite the gore, poor Otis :( )
28-05-2012, 23:15
So much coming up :D
29-05-2012, 03:15
What they said. With a cherry on top!
29-05-2012, 09:41
Best show on TV IMO, absolutely loved it this season, and there is definitely more great moments to come, especially for fans of the comics.
I'm just watching series 2 on C5. Think it's up to episode 4? At the moment it seems to have gone the way of Lost S2 - really dragged out, not much happening, very little plot development... but I'm steeled by other people's positive comments so will keep watching. :)
29-05-2012, 17:02
So much coming up :D
God I hope so I am sick inside from all the cliff hangers & need something meaty to get stuck in to. (pun intended :D)
29-05-2012, 19:22
I'm just watching series 2 on C5. Think it's up to episode 4? At the moment it seems to have gone the way of Lost S2 - really dragged out, not much happening, very little plot development... but I'm steeled by other people's positive comments so will keep watching. :)
Its all about to kick off I promise. :)
I'm just watching series 2 on C5. Think it's up to episode 4? At the moment it seems to have gone the way of Lost S2 - really dragged out, not much happening, very little plot development... but I'm steeled by other people's positive comments so will keep watching. :)
I was really rather bored watching series 2 with all the whinging and moaning and I don't mean zombie-moaning! So many silly decisions, lots of pointless moments and a bombardment of annoying people. I gave up after episode 4... but a few months later upon reading on the web so many good things I gave it another shot and WHAM BAM THANKYOU MAAM!
It delivered.
I was happy.
Excited about new series!
I tell you what though, wish they'd release the second episode of The Walking Dead game on Steam! I'm leaving shortly and want to plaaaaaay it! ;D
I was the same, I almost gave up, but thankfully, Matt carried on watching it!
30-05-2012, 11:41
I think those of us who have seen Season 2 will appreciate this and those who are watching it will come to aswell ;D
30-05-2012, 11:57
Love it ;D
Halfway through episode 5..... shouting at the telly for a character. That's a good sign right?
Daryl when he's injured in the river and having his shoe gnawed upon by the walker......
EDIT: and OMG the hayloft!
Maybe I'm expecting too much... another episode in and it still feels like mostly filler. Very Lost-esque where we focus on a particular character who may or may not be hallucinating, and end on another semi-cliffhanger. I'll keep watching but they really need to step it up.
My alternative theory is they blew all the money in the first series and only managed to scrape enough together to hire a farmhouse and a quarter-mile stretch of closed freeway for this one. :p
I liked Lost and wasn't disappointed with the ending :shocked: Maybe that's why I'm enjoying this too :)
I liked Lost too, but the ending wasn't worth my devoted input to the long, drawn-out, extraneous side-stories. That's why I'm apprehensive. The fact that this story is apparently quite loyal to the graphic novels at least gives me some hope that there will be a decent story curve and suitable ending though. :)
Belmit, what's happening currently?!
12-06-2012, 07:01
Lost's ending hurt my brain. :shocked:
Belmit, what's happening currently?!
In this episode, Daryl went out looking for Sophia (who is perpetually lost to the point that I'm starting to lose interest), fell down a cliff and found her doll. He hallucinates that his brother is visiting him and helping him back. As he returns he is mistaken for a walker and shot by Andrea but only grazed - one of maybe two moments of true drama and suspense this episode.
Various other lesser plot points are going on - Hershel is becoming more of an arse as time goes on for reasons unknown (the ending of the episode no doubt being the reason), Lori (most annoying character ever) is keeping her pregnancy quiet (again, delaying the inevitable explanations), and the 'romance' between Maggie and Glenn seems to have been a device to reveal that the barn is holding walkers captive.
I guess my main issue is that there's not much advancement like there was in series 1. They were on the move a lot, had to fight to survive, were discovering about the infection, constantly plagued by walkers etc. Now it feels like everything has ground to a halt and is all about the internal dramas in the group with no real plan for what they're going to do next. It's like playing a computer game that's all side-quests with no main goal.
Ahhh okay
Well that's good as I think you're past all the crappiness now! I was so so fed up before then so you're doing well hanging on!
BTW... get the game! It's awesome :D
Just finished series 2..... loved it. Started out slow but then.......... awesome. Really looking forward to another series, great show :D
22-06-2012, 17:36
Rick will always be an 'Egg' to me, and House will be eternally 'Wooster'.
The Walking Dead is pretty damned good though, and miles better than Lost imo.
Rick will always be an 'Egg' to me, and House will be eternally 'Wooster'.
The Walking Dead is pretty damned good though, and miles better than Lost imo.
Yes! And Jack Davenport was still Miles in ALL of the pirate movies!
21-07-2012, 18:57
I love this series as it remines me of those awful B movies I use to watch as a child !
Need more carnage though !
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