View Full Version : Heheheh, maps to places
Was looking for Bushy House on the map, which is on Bushy Road. Imagine my amusement when I found another Bushy Road near Cock Lane ;D
Good job it's not near this place or nobody would take science seriously :D
There's a street with the same name near to me - link (,-4.064941&sspn=22.172703,51.108398&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Wellingborough+NN8,+United+Kingdom&ll=52.257999,-0.670305&spn=0.005608,0.012478&z=17&layer=c&cbll=52.257162,-0.66972&panoid=yk5fmCwA7n7J4Vqe_26LPg&cbp=12,18.87,,1,10.47).
14-04-2011, 17:43
Pheebs has a picture somewhere of me and her stood by Slag Lane! ;D
There's a street with the same name near to me - link (,-4.064941&sspn=22.172703,51.108398&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Wellingborough+NN8,+United+Kingdom&ll=52.257999,-0.670305&spn=0.005608,0.012478&z=17&layer=c&cbll=52.257162,-0.66972&panoid=yk5fmCwA7n7J4Vqe_26LPg&cbp=12,18.87,,1,10.47).
Hahahah ;D
I've got a picture of this place somewhere but can't find it - it's a bar with an interesting name that I walked past last time I was in Copenhagen.
I didn't go in for fear of what they might serve - link (,+1650+K%C3%B8benhavn&layer=c&sll=55.671263,12.560410&cbp=13,60.01,,0,0.4&cbll=55.67118,12.560225&hl=en&sspn=0.006295,0.006295&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Istedgade+17,+1650+K%C3%B8benhavn,+K%C3%B8be nhavn+V,+Denmark&ll=55.671353,12.560227&spn=0.005143,0.012478&z=17&panoid=O-pFD23VnA2zLyhF1UgVaw).
Pheebs has a picture somewhere of me and her stood by Slag Lane! ;D
I knew you were going to bring that up again!
Pheebs has a picture somewhere of me and her stood by Slag Lane! ;D
We've got "Chepore Lane" near us. Looks innocent enough until you try to say it!
There is a fawcett road in southsea with the pub being called the fawcett inn.
There is also a pook lane which I always want to graffiti to say pooky lane (Garfield ref)
14-04-2011, 19:55
Theres a road in Bristol called Catbrain Lane
I dont know how it got its name.
Theres also a little village by Bristol airport called Nempnett Thrubwell, where I would dearly love to live, just so I could put that as my address :D
There is a fawcett road in southsea with the pub being called the fawcett inn.
There is also a pook lane which I always want to graffiti to say pooky lane (Garfield ref)
Teddy bear lane!!
LOVE catbrain lane.****ing+austria&aq=&sll=51.523057,-0.0951&sspn=0.15957,0.445976&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=****ing,+Braunau+am+Inn,+Upper+Austria,+Aust ria&ll=48.066867,12.865505&spn=0.01107,0.027874&z=16****ing+austria&aq=&sll=51.523057,-0.0951&sspn=0.15957,0.445976&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=****ing,+Braunau+am+Inn,+Upper+Austria,+Aust ria&ll=48.067659,12.86087&spn=0.01107,0.027874&z=16&layer=c&cbll=48.067659,12.86087&cbp=12,0,,0,0&photoid=po-12301142****ing+austria&aq=&sll=51.523057,-0.0951&sspn=0.15957,0.445976&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=****ing,+Braunau+am+Inn,+Upper+Austria,+Aust ria&ll=48.067665,12.859833&spn=0.011127,0.027874&z=16&layer=c&cbll=48.067665,12.859833&cbp=12,0,,0,0&photoid=po-40938744
Pheebs has a picture somewhere of me and her stood by Slag Lane! ;D
Doobie dooooo!
Doobie dooooo!
O/T but Phwoooor! :o
Its a place in Oxford now called Magpie Lane.
15-04-2011, 08:10
We have a CockShut Lane (,-4.064941&sspn=19.248626,29.926758&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Cockshut+Ln&ll=52.817431,-1.445389&spn=0.009583,0.014613&z=16) near us. If you look on the map you'll see it's near Bog Lane.
I wonder if there used to be a Hamlet there... it could be called CockShut in the Bog...
15-04-2011, 08:41
My favourite place name from back home in Shetland: ifRSaqzqru-6JPgza9-gnK9SKJcm76at180lKWIP1E-4zx3Mc/250px-Twatt_road_sign.jpg?psid=1
I decided to take the scenic route home from my parents' house lastnight.
Couldn't help giggling when I drove past 'Fanny Hands Lane' hehe.
15-04-2011, 14:30
Would you really want to live in a road with this address?
And how would one go about locating Middle Wallop? Tis easy it's located right there between Over Wallop and Nether Wallop! :D
And finally.... BAGPUSS!!:cool:
15-04-2011, 14:35
My personal bad taste favourite.
Link (,+birmingham&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Bader+Walk,+Birmingham,+West+Midlands+B35+7H A,+United+Kingdom&gl=uk&z=16)
15-04-2011, 15:48
Dick Place is just down the road :)
15-04-2011, 15:48
Not in the UK, but anybody wanna live in CheeseCock Drive (,+Monroe,+NY,+United+States&aq=0&sll=52.533023,-1.788454&sspn=0.009646,0.014613&gl=uk&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Cheesecock+Dr,+Monroe,+Orange,+New+York+1095 0,+United+States&z=16)
15-04-2011, 15:50
Chuckles (,+Manchester&aq=0&sll=42.256772,-85.191122&sspn=0.011737,0.014613&gl=uk&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Hardon+Grove,+Manchester+M13+0TX,+United+Kin gdom&z=16)
Somewhere back in the UK I've a photograph of me and a bunch of friends standing by a street sign for "Bendover" near downtown Plzen in the Czech Republic.
There is always, also , the famous town of ****ing, Austria (****ing,+Austria&aq=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=57.379893,135.263672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=****ing,+Braunau+am+Inn,+Upper+Austria,+Aust ria&ll=48.067505,12.863359&spn=0.005994,0.016512&z=17)
Somewhere back in the UK I've a photograph of me and a bunch of friends standing by a street sign for "Bendover" near downtown Plzen in the Czech Republic.
There is always, also , the famous town of ****ing, Austria (****ing,+Austria&aq=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=57.379893,135.263672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=****ing,+Braunau+am+Inn,+Upper+Austria,+Aust ria&ll=48.067505,12.863359&spn=0.005994,0.016512&z=17)****ing+austria&aq=&sll=51.523057,-0.0951&sspn=0.15957,0.445976&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=****ing,+Braunau+am+Inn,+Upper+Austria,+Aust ria&ll=48.066867,12.865505&spn=0.01107,0.027874&z=16****ing+austria&aq=&sll=51.523057,-0.0951&sspn=0.15957,0.445976&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=****ing,+Braunau+am+Inn,+Upper+Austria,+Aust ria&ll=48.067659,12.86087&spn=0.01107,0.027874&z=16&layer=c&cbll=48.067659,12.86087&cbp=12,0,,0,0&photoid=po-12301142****ing+austria&aq=&sll=51.523057,-0.0951&sspn=0.15957,0.445976&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=****ing,+Braunau+am+Inn,+Upper+Austria,+Aust ria&ll=48.067665,12.859833&spn=0.011127,0.027874&z=16&layer=c&cbll=48.067665,12.859833&cbp=12,0,,0,0&photoid=po-40938744
I think I pay a lot of their bills.
The ****ing council tax has gone up again
How much are these ****ing water bills?
**** me! Seen how much the ****ing gas and electricity bills are this month?
15-04-2011, 20:54
And of course, as far as castles go, the name for this one sums up the entire concept.... Here (,+Komandandi+tee+2,+Keskl inn,+10130+Tallinn,+Harjumaa,+Estonia&z=14)
lol, I've known about this place for ages, and it still makes me lol!!!;D;D
I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Cockburn Street yet. Haggis samosas, anyone?
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