View Full Version : The First Zombie-Proof House?

Del Lardo
02-05-2011, 17:33

02-05-2011, 19:43
One entrance?!?!? That's a fail!!

I do like it... but too many windows when it's open. Not convinced about it yet. Don't have time to properly look at this, will have a goosey gander later for some serious consideration!

Del Lardo
02-05-2011, 19:45
I did think of you when I saw the link ;D

Flat roof that can be used as a helipad but not too sure about access..

02-05-2011, 19:51
If you watch Resident Evil Apocalypse, or After Life, there are no zombie proof house :p

02-05-2011, 20:32
That looks awesome!! Wouldn't need to worry about burgular's either if it looks like that at night time. I personally love all the windows, I think as long as it isn't overlooked then it is a really nice idea :)

02-05-2011, 21:16
I rather like that - but then I'm a big fan of both concrete and exploring internal/external boundaries :)

Reminds me of a house design I did in an abandoned quarry - but mine was missing the draw bridge, reinforced concrete window shutters and flamethrower! ;D

*scribbles notes for future*

03-05-2011, 00:22
Forget zombies! Is it Raptor proof?!

Could you imagine - zombies & raptors vs hoomins = end of the world!

03-05-2011, 07:01
I think it looks pretty awesome :cool:

03-05-2011, 08:18
Not sure there is enough grass for me to land my plane. If there is a zombie attack, I won't be visiting for tea and crumpets.

Edit: And when I say 'my plane', I of course mean the one I steal from someone I hope is already dead