View Full Version : Geordie Shore
10-05-2011, 23:44
Not sure I should even bring this to anyones attention but it might be a good giggle ;D
2 weeks today Geordie Shore starts on MTV!
Been watching some of the cast interviews and it's basially the charvs from the Meat Market, The Gate and possibly the Diamond Strip (if MTV is paying :p ) ... gonna be... errr... different!
Obviously it's a take on Jersey Shore but I can't comment too much on that since I've never bothered watching an episode :o
Will you be making an appearance upon our screens Kellee? (not wearing a coat of course!) :p
EDIT: Just watched the cast video... Kellee I've never met you but I have strong suspicions you WON'T be on this show! :eek: :D Are these people real?
TOWIE is the original and the best.
All these other imposters are not worth the time!!!
BB x
Never seen TOWIE. Hearing about it and seeing all these really annoying phrases coming out of it is QUITE enough thankyou! REEM! Wel jel :/
*will eventually watch it & probably love it*
I expect a scouse version is already in the pipeline *cries*
I expect a scouse version is already in the pipeline *cries*
BB x
I imagine on such a version the people will all have tracksuits, afros, moustaches and be 'attempting to defuse the blood pressure of others to a more suitable level'.
Afros? Tsk. I think you mean *scouser wigs* < distinctly different things. I live in dread.
Ah right - I'm culturally ignorant so forgive such an oversight.
I look forward to you, Matt, Davey, Lady Davey, Alex and other Liverpudlians explaining the difference in person complete with props and demonstrations! :D
Can I still have a Liverpudlian demonstration albeit only for entertainment purposes?
I'm looking forward to the Manchester version, Mancy Shore.
Oh my goodness - that girl in the interview.... HIDEOUS!!!!! Do those people really exist?!!
12-05-2011, 22:08
Will you be making an appearance upon our screens Kellee? (not wearing a coat of course!) :p
No :p
Oh my goodness - that girl in the interview.... HIDEOUS!!!!! Do those people really exist?!!
Yes :confused:
Glad I don't know any! ;D
20-06-2011, 19:46
Kitten is now refusing to leave the house after MTV have commissioned Mersey Shore :shocked:
Because she's too busy preparing herslef for the interview? ;D
A Place of Light
25-06-2011, 10:27
Because she was too busy preparing herslef for the interview? ;D
She cooks too?
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