View Full Version : Price Check

05-06-2011, 17:08
Not sure there is a thread already for this, had a quick look but didn't see anything. Was just after an price check for something I want to stick on my works bulletin board and then thought I may as well create a general price check thread in case anyone else wants to do something similar in future.

Anyway, I'm getting rid of two matching suitcases. Both used so they do have some light wear but are still in good condition. Had a look on ebay but then sometimes people on the bay ask way too much!. They measure 43cm high, 20cm deep, 67cm wide. I was thinking something along the lines of £10 each or perhaps £15 the pair. Does that seem reasonable?


cheers :)

05-06-2011, 18:12
Seems good to me Mubsy :) x

05-06-2011, 23:45
Seems reasonable. :)

Binned a load of cases last weekend. Since realised I should have kept one back but meh - too late. The rest were disintegrating in my hands. :/

06-06-2011, 09:02
Sounds fair to me :)

Work notice board is also a LOT less hassle than eBay!

06-06-2011, 12:59
Well I've stuck them on the intranet bulletin board for a tenner each, hope they sell!