View Full Version : Battlefield Series - COD beater for me

17-07-2011, 20:49
So after getting a little bored with the COD series, I didn't fancy picking up MW3 so preordered Battlefield 3 instead. To wet my appetite, I took a look at Battlefield : Bad Company and started playing online...my god, this is too much fun. The maps are vast areas ranging from close battle in amongst buildings stretching out to open fields where you find yourself launching rockets at tanks a distance away. Having caught the bug for this game, I picked up BF:BC2 and it's just far far superior to MW in almost every way as far as I'm concerned. The gameplay in each game is so varied. You can have the usual styles of recon, medic, mechanic and assault but each one can play a decent role in every game, it really doesn't matter which one you choose. There are quad bikes, jeeps, tanks and helicopters all with multiple roles so you can drive or be a gunner or just get transported across the map and in to the battle zone. There's so much in this game that I can't list all the good points, you really just have to play it but if you want a far more realistic and tactical game compared to MW, Battlefield is the way to go.

17-07-2011, 21:08
Think I might be joining you in Battlefield 3, just been watching some of the videos and it looks great fun. I do find with a lot of the cod games you play inm unless we're playing together, people just bugger off and do their own thing.

17-07-2011, 21:33
BF has four man squads you are put in. When you enter the game and you choose a spawn point, you can pick to join your squad again and dive right back in the action if that is where they are. You also get bonus points for doing things with and helping your squad members. Much more of a team based game.

17-07-2011, 22:07
Yeah I remember you explaining this, quite happy to be a medic :D

18-07-2011, 10:22
I enjoyed the COD:MW series but it's just running out of steam and I don't think it was particularly well suited to my abilities. I'm not too hot at these games...I'm too slow and not accurate enough and regularly had my arse handed to me on a plate, no doubt by some 9 year old kid.

But with Battlefield it seems to be more my pace. I can hold back and attack at my own speed, flank around the back of the enemy and attack from behind...I can use a different skill set that I DO have instead of being stuck in the middle of mayhem.

Preferring the team player style, I can make choices that still benefit the team like being a medic or mechanic and holding back from the main battle a little. Yesterday for example a chopper appeared in our base. Did I run up and jump in the pilots seat? Nope. I left that to somebody more capable and I jumped on a gun instead. Don't get me wrong, I don't hold back from the fights, but I'll choose a time and place depending on how well our team is doing overall. If we're winning convincingly then I'll dive in the pilots seat of a chopper and have a bit of fun :D

I just think that there are so many varying styles of game play, if I'm having a good day and can be fast and accurate then I'll dive in. If I'm having a bad day then I'll play more of a supportive role :)

18-07-2011, 10:28
Used to love Battlefield 2 for all of the reasons you described Desmo. Flying helicopters and jets with a joystick, then parchuting out to get into keyboard / mouse fps was just great fun in a game.

I think my online gaming days are over now though, so wont be seeing how BF3 compares (probably!)

18-07-2011, 11:48
I think a highlight of FPS gaming was in BF2- successfully firing missiles from a jet into an incoming boat of people, kamikaze crashing the jet into an aircraft carrier whilst sneakily parachuting out on to the control tower and sniping the spawn points as team mates invade via boat, protecting the top of the ladder with claymores! :D

COD is boring for me - it was great fun on release and I enjoyed some super multiplayer with you chaps but it wouldn't hold my attention for more than half an hour now; if I get time I may try BF3 when it comes out (or BC2 in the meantime!) as I greatly enjoy the team play and seeing different classes in action :)

18-07-2011, 14:05
Put me in the battlefield camp too please. BF2 was my game of choice for quite some time, can't wait to see what they do with bf3. Especially with PC being lead platform and 64-player battles coming back, eeeee.
COD was always good but rarely for anything other than a quick blast. Battlefield has longevity on its side.

18-07-2011, 14:23
Massive maps & 64-player battles sound great - is that only on PC though?

19-07-2011, 11:59
I've played BF2 since day 1, Any time I've got a bit bored I just start a new char. I mostly play on 64 man Infantry only servers. Any time I try another game about 20 minutes into it I think **** this I could be playing BF2 so quit & go play BF2. :p
The only COD game I really got in to was the original COD but then I clanned that & it was the best of times as far as gaming goes. :cool:
To this day so far though nothing even comes close to 64 man Infantry only BF2 on PC. :cool:

Joe 90
19-07-2011, 17:08
BF3 cannot come quick enough. I just need to resist buying a new PC though and stick with Xbox! :D

26-07-2011, 15:03
I do believe that I will also be getting BF3 when it comes out :)

Getting used to the "bullet drop" when sniping long distances was fun.

Oh and Leo in BF:BC2 lots of people played a medic as they got the LMG.

This will be played on Xbox though not on the PC as I'd probably need to upgrade if I wanted to play it properly on that.

26-07-2011, 15:14
I played my first online game of BC2 last night and despite being a sponge for bullets and not having a clue what was happening I did have a lot of fun! :D

BF3 for sure! )

26-07-2011, 15:43
It's great online, been playing quite a bit over the last week or so. Does take a while to figure out what's going on at times and obviously learning new maps but I'm getting there. Fire away if you've got any noob Q's and I'll see what I can do :)

27-07-2011, 22:31
Out of interest where have people been pre-ordering BF3 and what sort of bonus content are they getting?

ShopTo seems to give an avatar suit :/
Game looks like you get some in game additions.
Anywhere else?
Thanks :)

27-07-2011, 23:26
Haha noob questions galore for BFBC2 here:

WTF is going on?
How can I face similarly ranked people? Last night I was up against lvl 30-40 players and was often dead before I even knew what was going on!

28-07-2011, 05:08
Not sure if there is a way to make sure you get similar ranked people to play against.

TBH I never bothered about it :)

One thing to remember in BFBC2 is keep moving at all times if possible as you can get snipered from the other side of the map. I know this as I've done it to other people. :) and had it done to me :(

29-07-2011, 00:23
Rank doesn't mean a thing to be quite honest. The different unlocks you get from gaining rank doesn't really make other players any harder to beat.

I've not been on BFBC2 on the 360 in a while so it will probably take me a few rounds to settle back in. Coming from COD to BF usually has the same effect on my performance.

I'm up for a few rounds later on if anyone needs some cannon fodder to tag along.

29-07-2011, 07:27
Out of interest where have people been pre-ordering BF3 and what sort of bonus content are they getting?
Got mine from Tesco Entertainment. Cheapest price I could find and not too worried about day of release delivery so not worried if they don't despatch early enough.
Haha noob questions galore for BFBC2 here:

WTF is going on?
How can I face similarly ranked people? Last night I was up against lvl 30-40 players and was often dead before I even knew what was going on!
Don't worry about ranks too much. Yes they have more experience and better weapons, but you can still outsmart people and that is one of the good things with BF. The maps can be so vast that there is always another option of attack. Nobody can get themselves a comfortable little bolt-hole like they can in COD. Whilst in BF you don't get a kill cam, you do get to see your killers movements for a few seconds so try to work out where they're hiding if they're a sniper. Or of course with maps being so huge you can just avoid most people :D

01-08-2011, 02:33
Nice stats site here :)


01-08-2011, 07:08
Shame my stats are crap ;D

01-08-2011, 08:36
I've been invited for Alpha testing on BF3 and although this is 'far from the finished product in terms of performance and appearance', it is an incredible experience.

You die very, very easily. Action is intense and often short-lived if you try to become Rambo but good team working is very rewarding!

Graphics look incredible even though this is not a gaming build pc and if this is a taste of things to come, and not even the polished finish then this will be a superb online experience.

Granted, there will be many differences between PC & 360, and I will be purchasing for 360 if anything - but if the console version provides half the wow factor of the PC version then it'll be a worthy purchase.

01-08-2011, 13:42
How'd you get in that!

01-08-2011, 15:04
I just got an email through from a Dice Team member with all the instructions ;)

01-08-2011, 23:04
Have the PC version on pre-order for a decent price (£23.something) but may also pick up the 360 version for pickup and play moments.

Joe 90
02-08-2011, 20:38
Nice website - I'm a fan of this...


03-08-2011, 19:14

28-10-2011, 19:23
BF3 has arrived and is sitting on my desk being ignored for the next 40 mins or so til I've eaten :)

Joe 90
28-10-2011, 20:52
Got mine yesterday. Finished the campaign last night! Took about 4 hours to run through on normal!!
The multiplayer is great, but there are times where it feels very unbalanced.

28-10-2011, 21:07
If anyone's playing the PC version, I'm 'Masterdog' on there. Just finished my first game...pretty good, graphics awesome. Still prefer the classic gameplay rather than Rush, but Rush seems to be where it's at nowadays.

28-10-2011, 22:44
Picked up the 360 and PC versions.

360 copy arrived Thursday and I had a 1hr session to ease into things. On foot I am ok, in vehicles I am ok, in aircraft I am dead :(.

31-10-2011, 21:24
Just spent the weekend at a LAN playing mainly BF3 - tis most awesome :D

02-11-2011, 00:54
Enjoyed my brief time with the MP :)
Just need more free time at the moment!

02-11-2011, 08:17
I enjoy playing but I'm still **** :D

02-11-2011, 10:32
I've still not bought BF3 :shocked: But I've pre ordered MW3 from Asda Direct with a discount code & it's only costing me 31 quids. :cool:

Will start a thread with Asda MW3 code. ;)