View Full Version : What gets you in the night?

18-08-2011, 12:12
Whenever I have a nightmare, it's always bloody zombies trying to get me. Then I'm scared to get up in the dark to go to the loo because I'm convinced I'm going to get got by them in the dark. Not ever really given it much though other than that. The other half, however, is always being chased by crocodiles. So it would appear that we have consistent nightmares despite never having seen a real croc or z0mgbie in real life :D

Anyone else get chased by the same stuff over and over again? :p

18-08-2011, 12:16
It's normally people who want to kill me for some unknown reason... :-\

18-08-2011, 13:19
I don't suffer from anything reoccurring like that now you point it out... At all, it's rare i have a nightmare (very rare) and when i do i kinda find them thrilling in an odd sense? Now i just sound weird...

18-08-2011, 13:46
My nightmares are usually about not being able to breath. I have had spiders spinning webs on my face, the air being sucked out of the room, drowning, being buried alive and so on.

However, it's not the nightmares themselves that are problematic for me, it's the memory issues I have in the night. I often wake up, totally awake, and I cannot remember who I am, what my name is, where I am, who the person is lying next to me, where I live or anything.

This will last until I turn the light on and even then my memory often only partially returns. I may remember my name, but have no idea of where I am, for example. I do seem to be less scared of it now, and can often go back to sleep knowing that "it's probably just some kind of wierd dream" (which it probably is, even though I am technically awake). I'm always fine in the morning (so far.....:shocked:)

Still freaks me out though. Happens less than it did, but is still monthly at least.

18-08-2011, 15:01
I'm always 'on the run' in my dreams though I've no idea what from. Some sort of fascist authority I guess, or something like 'The Nothing' from The NeverEnding Story.

18-08-2011, 15:05
Don't really have bad dreams that often, but almost every night wake up a few times convinced there is someone in the room coming to get me. For the first few seconds of waking it's pure panic and I see things that aren't there in shadows and objects, then I force myself to go back to sleep!

18-08-2011, 15:26
Ian Beale (from Eastenders) was trying to kill me for years. He used to chase me round my street and drive his car into my front garden.


18-08-2011, 18:02
Can't remember the last time I had a nightmare actually.

18-08-2011, 18:48
I'm always 'on the run' in my dreams though I've no idea what from. Some sort of fascist authority I guess, or something like 'The Nothing' from The NeverEnding Story.
Speaking of which, I forgot Von Smallhausen sang that :)


18-08-2011, 19:43
I still get nightterrors which are horrible. Can never remember the details of them though.
I have a lot of "unsettling" dreams where I'm sure there is someone watching me/in the wardrobe/hiding behind the curtain and I usually have to get up and close the wardrobe or put the lights on before I can stop that feeling. I'll have at least 1 of those type a week.

18-08-2011, 19:50
I am usually trying to jump a gap that for some reason is always bigger than I thought it was once I attempt it, and I have a moment where I *know* I am going to fall from a great height. I'm not actually scared of heights either, really, so it's a bit weird. I also wake up convinced someone has rung the doorbell/knocked on the door, even when Matt's awake and can vouch 100% that this hasn't happened.

I also wake up with my hands clenched so hard that my arms are numb, although that's more recent.

19-08-2011, 11:37
Zombies for me fairly often, and on probably a scarier note, the man who raped me and his cronies :/ get the men in White coats!

My recurring dream theme is that Phil leaves me. Last night I dreamt he left me for a girl called Lily. I was wondering this morning where that idea had come from but them remembered I was listening to a Lily Allen Cd on the way back from London last night, lol.

19-08-2011, 12:29
2nd World war Nazi soldiers. :(
One time I was laying on my back, All I could see was there boots & trousers, They were just going to set about me with there rifle butts when I kicked out, I made contact with something which caused enough pain to wake me up, I had kicked the wall. :'( + ;D
Damn those Nightmare Nazis. :p

19-08-2011, 13:15
I get Darrens willy in my ear :/

19-08-2011, 13:54
I'm always 'on the run' in my dreams though I've no idea what from. Some sort of fascist authority I guess, or something like 'The Nothing' from The NeverEnding Story.
This is the same type of thing I get. It doesn't happen very often, but if I have a dodgy dream, I'm often on the run and not just from one or two people but usually it's a large army or organisation and they're there at every twist and turn.

19-08-2011, 18:09
Quite often my scary dreams get injected with a moment of humour at the end.....

July 8th: Random zombie dream... one bit my arm! But she was an old granny and her false teeth couldn't bite through my thick wooly jumper!

20-08-2011, 12:42
Don't tend to get bad dreams, but I woke up startled at least a few times when I could swear I could see someone in my bedroom mirror.

A few months ago I swapped the room around so I now sleep facing away from the mirror and that hasn't happened since.

20-08-2011, 14:14
Don't tend to get bad dreams, but I woke up startled at least a few times when I could swear I could see someone in my bedroom mirror.

A few months ago I swapped the room around so I now sleep facing away from the mirror and that hasn't happened since.

so they're still there but you just can't see them now? :p

20-08-2011, 20:22
Yes, that's the general idea. If I can't see them, they can't see me. :p

20-08-2011, 23:16
I don't know what I run from but I'm always very aware that I can't kill them but they will kill me when they catch me. They have wild dogs with them but I don't think it's the dogs that bother me. I always end up the same place - it's a dilapidated house, back bedroom that still has a few disregarded boxes and a bed which I'm standing on top of. My sister in the corner behind me and "they" are gaining on us, but I have no choice but to stand and fight as there is no-where else to go. The dogs surround the bed, waiting for "them".... :'(

Always the same house, same room, same ending... and I always wake up in tears. :o

22-08-2011, 23:11
My nightmare is when Suzie has a nightmare :( as i have been hit around the head and had my ear pulled almost off due to her thinking someone was attacking me and tried to pull them off me. My own nightmares have gone into hiding these days there too scared to hang about in case they get attacked from out of the blue ;D

23-08-2011, 13:27
My ceiling falling down...

23-08-2011, 13:27
My ceiling falling down...

23-08-2011, 18:36
I get Darrens willy in my ear :/

Yer doin it wrongz!


Will - heck yeh, bit insane!

Think everyone knows my sleepy habits. Not sooo good! Sam was woken up to me all upset about the people in the hallway... and the man downstairs who didn't want us here anymore.

Messed up!


23-08-2011, 22:28
My ceiling falling down...
My ceiling falling down...
Twice? :eek: :p

24-08-2011, 08:22
Twice? :eek: :p


24-08-2011, 08:55

30-08-2011, 02:00
Years ago I had one which was horrible & it recurr's every now & then in a different form.

I'm walking along the high street in my hometown, get shoved over by a massive prat of a chav whom I then proceed to knock out as I get up, not noticing his 6 "hard" friends with sticks in the bus stop. I run for it but they catch me even though I'm 200m from home, a sprinter & they're all wearing Timberlands.

I always wake up feeling really confused - how would they catch me! I can make that run in 22-23 seconds!

Every now & then I find myself being caught in dreams after running as it seems like the easiest & safest route to take. Why am I so slow when my subconscious is in control?!?!?!

30-08-2011, 09:27
I remember reading once the reason you're slow at movement in your dream is because your body recognises its led still in reality and thus makes you sluggish in you're dream. Apparently it happens more so when you realise you're dreaming and one theory is if you realise to try to imagine flying instead and realise the floor isn't there and you'll fly (doesn't require body movement)! See if the chavs catch you then!! ;)

30-08-2011, 10:45
Interesting. I can run incredibly fast in my dreams, but then I can also fly and even move while standing still (a bit like I'm standing on a travelator). I often dream about running. Not away from anybody, just that it's easier to travel in my dreams while running. flying or "travelating" usually comes a bit later in the dreams when I realise that I can do those things.

I love those kind of dreams. It's like having superpowers. Once I realise I can do those things I can usually do other "superpower" things, like control the air to smash windows, throw things around, blast door open and so on. Sadly I never use my powers for good, merely for my own gratification. :)

30-08-2011, 19:34
Heh well it's just something I read in the past :)

Just out of curiosity though, when running fast do you know your legs are moving? (Does that even make sense?! lol!)

31-08-2011, 08:23
lol, yeah, I know what you mean and yes, running in my dreams feels the same as running when awake except I never get out of breath... well, not much more than a bit of heavy breathing, but I can run for hours in my dreams.

However, when I run really fast (as in "as fast as cars" and so on) my legs are not going at a blur. They stay the same speed as a "normal" fast run, but the strides cover more ground, so like 1 stride could stretch an entire room, or I could cover a football ground in a few strides, if you see what I mean.

01-09-2011, 00:41
My worst nightmares are the ones where something is wrong with my teeth....like my teeth are spontaneously all falling out or cracking or the dentist just told me I have more cavities than teeth in my mouth....i wake up in a cold sweat every time.

01-09-2011, 08:36
My worst nightmares are the ones where something is wrong with my teeth....like my teeth are spontaneously all falling out or cracking or the dentist just told me I have more cavities than teeth in my mouth....i wake up in a cold sweat every time.

I once read in a "dream therapy" book (and oddly this is the only one I can remember) that dreaming of teeth breaking, crumbling, falling out, etc. is always about anxiety or fear in your waking life, often a fear of embarrassment due to failure or people undermining your authority.... go figure... :)