View Full Version : Windows : Killed Virtual PC

19-08-2011, 07:50
I seem to have killed virtual PC on my computer. The built in one to windows 7 that runs XP mode. I tried to shut it down so that I could move the hard drive location, and after about 10 mins it was still shutting down so I (perhaps foolishly) clicked on the X and it started hibernating instead. Now when I try and start it is says can't enable integration features and just sits on a black screen. The CTR+ALT+DEL option doesn't work.

Any ideas?!

19-08-2011, 08:28
Disable integration and start the VM that way. If it won't start, try for a restore point.

19-08-2011, 18:51
Tried disabling integration, and still just a black screen :(

Tried a resore point, it couldn't find anything more recent than 2010?! Was hoping for something more recent than that, but if it comes to it I'll have to.

28-08-2011, 18:27
Gave up. Tried the restore point. Same problem :(


When I used the restore point, I told it to keep both (just in case...). Running the restored one crashed as usual, BUT, it forced the original into powered down state. Which when I then tried to run, worked :D