View Full Version : Deus Ex

Del Lardo
26-08-2011, 12:07
Firstly anyone know how to actually pronouce the name?

Just picked up a copy from Game, alas I am in London and console is in Cambridge so no playing until tomorrow.

26-08-2011, 12:34
Day-us Ex :)
My copy arrived yesterday but not had a huge amount of time with it yet!

26-08-2011, 12:44
I remember the first one on the pc (which ran dog slow on my l33t set up of doom) I rather enjoyed it. Shame I only have time to play games on my phone now. Saw the adverts - looks good!

26-08-2011, 14:43
Day-us Ex :)

I'm forcing myself to say it that way as I currently say Due Sex. Which could in theory be overheard in Game as me asking if they do sex.

I'll get it in the sales. Can't afford it right now and I think for safety I'll buy online ;)

26-08-2011, 14:46
I used to say Due Sex too ;D
But the correct way is Day-us Ex which is nowhere near as much fun :(

Loved the original, couldn't get on with Invisible War one bit. Was extremely lucky with Human Revolution as GameStop were briefly selling it for £20.97 earlier in the week so pre-ordered it then :D
Just need the spare time for it now!

26-08-2011, 14:58
£20?! Bah. *watches hotukdeals*

26-08-2011, 21:34
It's selling for $44 on steam, which is 26.8725 GBP according to XE! :o

I want it, but not that badly just yet.

Del Lardo
27-08-2011, 00:21
I'm home, I'm absolutely **** faced, I'm forcing myself to goto bed rather than playing the first 20 minutes and then forgetting about it.........

Roll on the hangover ;D

Del Lardo
27-08-2011, 15:49
Playing Deus Ex on the 360 and really struggling with shooting as there's no aiming assistance (horrific hangover probably not helping). Really prefer a keyboard/mouse combo but I'm not buying a new PC for one game.

27-08-2011, 17:36
Odd, there is aim assist in the PC version! ;D

Del Lardo
27-08-2011, 18:11
Just checked and there is an aim assist and it was turned on ;D

Del Lardo
28-08-2011, 12:47
Well shooting has improved somewhat, had to adapt to the game style and go for lots of mini ambushes rather than running in all guns blazing (probably rather more realistic ;D).

I thought I'd give it a quick bash when Miss DL went to bed at 10:30pm, next thing I know it's 5am :o so it's certainly got the required addictive component.

28-08-2011, 22:57
The Deus Ex series has tended to be biased towards the slightly stealthier approach rather than all guns blazing, though I hear some reviewers saying they could call this one "Thief 4".

Del Lardo
30-08-2011, 16:56
**** me the first boss is annoying. Up to 20 attempts now, I know what I need to do but lack the ability with a 360 controller to do it :(

Doesn't help that I'm spending more time waiting for it to reload inbetween attempts than I am trying.

I know why they've done it but as a very casual gamer this is the kind of thing that makes me put the controller down and never bother coming back.

well in a truly cowardly move I turned the difficultly down and got him on my 3rd attempt :(

30-08-2011, 17:41
I gave in...

It's so good, a massive improvement on the sequel, much closer to the original. At least so far. All I've done is persuade Zeke not to kill his hostage

Joe 90
30-08-2011, 21:01
I got this from GameSpot for £20.

Its awesome. Really enjoying it - reminding me of Resident Evil with the whole inventory experience, upgrading weapons etc. And the story is fantastic as well.

My only issue now is that Driver got posted today!! ;D

05-09-2011, 02:07
Which moron decided to wreck this game with stupid ******* boss fights?

Seriously.. I'm totally unequipped and unsuited to fighting with a bloody tank. It's absurd.

Duck, run, shoot, hide in room. Repeat ad infinitum. Oh whats that, you were a microsecond too slow? Sorry...

05-09-2011, 11:28

Del Lardo
05-09-2011, 13:18
Which moron decided to wreck this game with stupid ******* boss fights?

Seriously.. I'm totally unequipped and unsuited to fighting with a bloody tank. It's absurd.

Duck, run, shoot, hide in room. Repeat ad infinitum. Oh whats that, you were a microsecond too slow? Sorry...

Fun isn't it, as I said above I ended up turning the difficulty down for the boss and then straight back up so I could get past him.

How I did it....

Turned out relatively simple in the end, there's barrels dotted around the room, you have a very short period of time whilst his gun spins up to throw them at him, whilst he is confused hit him with head shots from your pistol (if you have one) as it has the least recoil is is easiest to hit him with.

I also had an EMP grenade that I hit him with straight away which gave me a bit of time to get myself set up at the first barrel though if you have more it's another way of getting him to stop shooting you long around to shoot him.

Only took 1 EMP and 2 barrels on easy IIRC

05-09-2011, 14:43
Finished it last night, ditto on the boss fights - there should have been a different way around them like the first game.

Typhoon made them easy though ;)

Also why did I fail to listen to Admiral Ackbar? :(

Del Lardo
05-09-2011, 16:29
Also why did I fail to listen to Admiral Ackbar? :(

Tai Yong Medical
That's another thing that is REALLY pissing me off in the game. When it goes to cut scene with the CEO and you let her get all close to you, give you a sob story and lock herself in her panic room. I mean WTF, Jensen is supposed to be an experienced Police Officer and anyone with half a brain would just crack her over the head and worry about the off chance of her being innocent later on.

I know it's there for the storyline but it's just bad story telling :angry:

05-09-2011, 22:48
I finished it tonight, and was playing it stealthily, specifically going for the achievement for finishing the game without killing anyone (bar the bosses). What did I find out, after finishing the game? It counts the kills from the prologue, before you become augmented. Gutted isn't even close to how I felt :(

Top game though, one of my favourites of the year so far (along with Dead Space 2).

Del Lardo
05-09-2011, 23:24
I finished it tonight, and was playing it stealthily, specifically going for the achievement for finishing the game without killing anyone (bar the bosses). What did I find out, after finishing the game? It counts the kills from the prologue, before you become augmented. Gutted isn't even close to how I felt :(

Top game though, one of my favourites of the year so far (along with Dead Space 2).

Do you even have the option of not killing the guards in the prologue?

From what I vaguely remember it pretty much tells you to shoot them?

06-09-2011, 13:23
I guess you need to sneak past them, as you don't have any melee moves that early in the game. Not tried it yet but I guess it must be possible to just get past them without killing them.

10-09-2011, 02:21