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View Full Version : DIY CCTV Questions?

27-09-2011, 00:32
Need a quick and cheap (and most likely dirty) CCTV solution here, need opinions and maybe guidance.

Budget is zero (isn't it always? i hate being the one tasked to find things with no money!).

Firstly I fell across an Asian site www.securitycamera2000.com, but then realised delivery will probably take a month or two, which i'm obviously unwilling to wait!

So I found the same seemingly cheap items on ebay from the UK, these:

1 Video Channel (No audio) DVR with Motion Detection (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/250896197896?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649#ht_4950wt_982):

A mini "Spy camera" (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/170645719369?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649#ht_2469wt_1185):

Now the camera doesn't come with a PSU itself annoyingly but the DVR does, and apparently that auction says it runs on 9v DC which excludes me from buying a cheap DC Splitter (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-OUT-DC-POWER-SPLITTER-CCTV-CAMERAS-AND-OTHER-DC-/190520383184?pt=UK_CCTV&hash=item2c5be656d0#ht_1108wt_983) to use with the DVR, but crucially other websites i've seen this exact Asian little camera and other auctions seem to imply it's 12v DC(See here (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MINI-6-IR-INFRARED-CCTV-SPY-COLOUR-CAMERA-AUDIO-/320698885537?pt=UK_CCTV&hash=item4aab24a5a1#ht_2770wt_752)), so it's probably within working range you'd guess if i buy the splitter, or just dubious information on one auction (but which one?).

Anyway's, if i buy those and a cheapish 8Gb MicroSD card (http://www.play.com/Mobiles/Mobile/4-/20463813/Lexar-8GB-Micro-SD-SDHC-Memory-Card-Class-4/Product.html) from play all those should plug together co-operate and capture motion detected CCTV under florescent light (I do not expect to rely on the "infra red" ;))?

Image quality would be good enough to identify people etc i guess? I'm not missing any glaring problems am i?

Total it comes to is under £40 which i feel is probably the limit of cheapness in this circumstance? But passable short term?

Any advice input or better things i should be looking at? I'd never really considered CCTV at all until this person asked me to quickly put something together by the end of the week (the joy)...

Cheers on any input, i'd rather any help on here, but for the sake of speed and breadth of people i've posted it "over there" as well even though i barely browse there now days tbh, i just know there are obviously CCTV snobs who will most likely knock me down for spending such pitiful money but also might just OK it for me :)

//Edit: On second thought's i won't post over there because i'd forgotten how much hassle it all is, and OcUK apparently sell CCTV so i won't be able to link to anything and i'll have to talk in code etc... all very pointless :)

27-09-2011, 12:10
might be worth pinging Dym a PM?

27-09-2011, 13:45
I fear that's like asking me what Halfords bike should I buy :p I'll pop him one over though good idea :)

Del Lardo
27-09-2011, 14:31
What is the actual purpose of the system?

If they want it as a deterrent then a tiny little camera will not be of much use and they would be better off with a false camera which will be seen but will not actually work.

I was also question whether a 380 line camera recording at 640x480 will provide adequate quality though this will depend on the distance a naughty person will be away from the camera.

27-09-2011, 15:41
Within 2-3 meters quite easily, and they'll be very well lit, and it's not so much a deterrent, they know what's happening they just want to know why/who...

Anyway, it needs to be sorted out soon, so i've just lumped it and bought the buggers, lets see if it works then!

27-09-2011, 19:01
Wow, I'm impressed!*

If you know the person being monitored then you'll definitely get an identifiable image from that setup provided the camera doesn't short out from the 12v supply it's being given.

Personally, given that you're fairly sure of stuff then I would have suggested a £20 webcam plugged into a laptop and secreted somewhere. Most come with software that should do what you want. Or there was that awesome little bullet-cam which was a big thing on overclockers a few months ago that would have done exactly what you wanted, much better than what you've found, for around the same price. I can't find the thread, though :(

Of course, as you seem to be suggesting that the legality of what you are doing is not completely certain I am bound to remind you of the human rights act 1998 and the employment act 2008 :)

*a certain amount of sarcasm is implied here.

27-09-2011, 19:35
Yeah, the laptop situation is more faff than necessary, needs to be totally independent as i said, i can get power to there but putting laptops down where this is needed it just too much, also i looked at battery operated bullet cams and the like, but they weren't really lasting long enough (4 hours max usually need probably 6-8 or more). Most bullet cams etc didn't make it obvious if they would work continuously if left plugged in to power (i assume but you never know, and couldn't be bothered risking it).

But since you mention it i'll PM you over legalities :)

27-09-2011, 20:46
If they want it as a deterrent then a tiny little camera will not be of much use and they would be better off with a false camera which will be seen but will not actually work.

Missed this before..

Never, ever, ever, EVER! use dummy cameras in a professional environment.

That is all.


(Responded to your PM, Alex :))

29-09-2011, 15:12
Just received that cheapo camera, and there is *nothing* wrong with it, quality is amazing for a few quid! I'm shocked to be fair! :D Even with the curtains shut in low light its a little grain but he LED's do far more than I thought hey ever would! This is absolutely perfect. Just waiting on the rest of the stuff now :)