View Full Version : New phone & contract

30-09-2011, 21:46
Hmmm, an interesting time to be coming to the end of my contract with the imminent release of the iphone 5. Obviously I'm going to wait for the end of the week but I'm just after some background info from current users :)

Last time it was a clear cut choice for the HTC Desire. The apps that I use are:-
Google maps
London underground tube status
Train times (live departure boards for trains).

I know you can potentially root Android phones and launch custom roms but I do not have the time for that. The other thing is that there are loads of bad apps on the Android store that are buggy as hell. Is this still the case for Apple?

If anyone is interested I have details of a contract offering 300/300 & unlimited internet for 7.75 a month for 12 months. This is only for business customers though.

01-10-2011, 01:38
Tbh Talk Mobile (who use Vodafone) offer similar stuff. £8 a get 300mins 1000texts 500mb non-throttled internet and just a 6month contract. Also i got £30.30 cashback which lowers my monthly outgoing to £2.95 ;D:D

As for phones, there is nothing special android out now or coming out soon, i've really heard of... Samsung Galaxy SII is still king essentially, and just getting cheaper and cheaper, HTC Sensation is great, but late to the party and no better than the SGSII (maybe slightly better built, i'm unsure though). Generally just costs more...

01-10-2011, 20:12
Thanks for the Talk Mobile offer, that is silly cheap :D

I just looked up and the SGSII has been out since may, nearly 5 months old. I wonder if there is anything new coming out soon for Android. Doesn't seem to be worth blowing a lot of cash on that. I shall wait to see what the Iphone ends up being like.

02-10-2011, 01:16
Nah, there really isn't anything on the horizon properly, just lots of rehashed stuff to keep value high. Best getting a second hand Galaxy S or New SII (they are still amazing, quite easily).

Think there is a big wait for Ice Cream Sandwich, and then we'll have another update after that, Sammy will bring something big out no doubt, in terms of pushing the envelope i'd say they're ahead of HTC now days by a fair margin. HTC do very well themselves though, and are always fairly well supported by CM7, where as I as i Samsung user have to just through a few hoops and nightly builds to get the same quality ROM...

Also we'll see how good Talk Mobile are, as it arrives on Monday, fingers crossed, it sounds too good to be true, so most likely it will be :p

05-10-2011, 21:23
Well I saw a Galaxy SII today and it is sweet :D

I'm looking at the 12 month contract on Talkmobile on mobiles.co.uk and it seems pretty good.

05-10-2011, 22:21
SII is the only upgrade in my opinion but I couldn't bare to give up my Desire, I've just had it so long it's part of my hand & it just does everything i want so well, It even survived a trip down my bog which when i think about it is quite an achievement. ;D

06-10-2011, 00:17
Get it noooooow, £30 a month for 12 months for loads of everything, amazing internet, and the phone has just been reduced to £99 (used to be £149 then it went down and back up again, so get it while its cheaper!).

That is by far THE BEST deal you can get around without doubt, it's almost convinced me, but i held firm stuck with the SIMple deal, and i'm waiting until the 11th for the big day! Samsung/Google unveil the Nexus Prime, which will almost certainly be my next phone, it will essentially be an open source S2 with maybe a better screen and maybe a slightly faster processor (akin to Nexus S and Galaxy S).

06-10-2011, 19:53

Looked yesterday on mobiles and its back to 149. Just checked and its still at that now. Hmpf I'll keep an eye out for it.

edit:- Thinking about it I'll be amazed if the price does drop. Reading around forums a lot of people are going for this now rather than ip4s.

07-10-2011, 00:32
It will again, but i did say JUMP JUMP JUMP :p

Also i was doing some testing today and last 2 days, my singal strength is easy 70dBa average over the whole day for me, spikes to 105 quite often in my 1st floor tenement (but i'll let it off being encased in century old foot thick+ stone 3 floors above and walls) so this even skews might results.

Internet at work i've hit 5.16Mbs down and 2.21 Up today, yesterday at 4pm i managed 3.2/1.1.
At home tonight i just then managed 2.15/1.11 and yesterday at around 10pm i got 3.05/2.16.

So internet is lightening, grabbing HSDPA easy in most places, customer services i experienced was truly diligent and brilliant, cashback appears to be tracking. They support Hullomail and native delivery notifications (big things for me), all in all truly impressed beyond measure. Light years ahead of T-Mobile/orange/o2 now days, easily up there with Three, but much better 2g coverage as well i presume.

Quite happily recommend TalkMobile to anyone after only a few days of use!

Waiting for the Nexus Prime to be announced :D

//Edit: Sensation is currently £69 upfront and 12x30pm right now, its a decent second choice, senseUI on it is amazing, and build quality definitely feels better, but i can't help feeling i'd still rather have the SGS2... ;D

Del Lardo
07-10-2011, 00:45
It will again, but i did say JUMP JUMP JUMP :p

Also i was doing some testing today and last 2 days, my singal strength is easy 70dBa average over the whole day for me, spikes to 105 quite often in my 1st floor tenement (but i'll let it off being encased in century old foot thick+ stone 3 floors above and walls) so this even skews might results.

Internet at work i've hit 5.16Mbs down and 2.21 Up today, yesterday at 4pm i managed 3.2/1.1.
At home tonight i just then managed 2.15/1.11 and yesterday at around 10pm i got 3.05/2.16.

So internet is lightening, grabbing HSDPA easy in most places, customer services i experienced was truly diligent and brilliant, cashback appears to be tracking. They support Hullomail and native delivery notifications (big things for me), all in all truly impressed beyond measure. Light years ahead of T-Mobile/orange/o2 now days, easily up there with Three, but much better 2g coverage as well i presume.

Quite happily recommend TalkMobile to anyone after only a few days of use!

Waiting for the Nexus Prime to be announced :D

//Edit: Sensation is currently £69 upfront and 12x30pm right now, its a decent second choice, senseUI on it is amazing, and build quality definitely feels better, but i can't help feeling i'd still rather have the SGS2... ;D


Apparently, the 9mm-thick Samsung Galaxy Nexus - codenamed Nexus Prime - will pack a 1.2GHz dual-core processor running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. It'll sport a 4.7in OLED curved-glass display with a resolution of 1280 x 720, and include 32GB of storage with 1GB of Ram.

There's also a 5Mp rear-facing camera that handles 1080p video capture, as well as a 1.3Mp front-facing lens.

07-10-2011, 03:20
Interesting about the confirmation, all the specs have been floating about on and off for ages, but nothing totally concrete, and tbh, its only 4 days now. So i think i'll still be taking this with a pinch of salt. I don't really like to get hyped over all this hear-say etc... I do however want them to tell me what *is* in it, how much it is (small car price range i suspect) and when i can buy it.

09-10-2011, 00:45
Just in case you haven't been watching the news too closely, the launch has been postponed out of respect for Steve Jobs' passing. Given the Apple v everything Android spat, that initially seemed a bit surprising, but it's about the person, not the company, so good on them for doing it.

09-10-2011, 23:13
Yeah saw it today, pretty gutted about that tbh, but it wont be much longer i'm sure, there are still wildly different views of specs as well...