View Full Version : iPhone : iMessage problems

29-10-2011, 09:26
Hi All,

have an interesting problem with sending iMessages.

My friend had an iPhone 4 and upgraded to iOS5, as such my lovely iPhone 4 and iOS5 decided that I could send him iMessages, hooray I hear you say...

His iPhone decided that it would die, as such he's bought himself an HTC and transferred his number across. However my phone is still trying to send him iMessages and obviously they're getting lost in the ether...

The only way I can seem to send him text messages is if I turn off iMessage each time I want to and then turn it back on again.

How does the iMessage system work, how does the phone know (or not know) what the other phone is?

Has anyone come across a problem like this?

29-10-2011, 10:45
I'd suggest deleting his contact details and re-entering them fresh it may store some info in there.

29-10-2011, 11:06
Make sure his number is set to 'mobile' and not 'iPhone' in the contacts :)

29-10-2011, 11:56
I'd suggest deleting his contact details and re-entering them fresh it may store some info in there.

Done, and deleted all previous messages. As soon as I enter messaging it's already as iMessage

Make sure his number is set to 'mobile' and not 'iPhone' in the contacts :)

I'm never organised enough to set stuff up like that :p it was always just mobile.

29-10-2011, 14:16
Turn off iMessage
Reboot (to clear the cache)
Turn iMessage back on


29-10-2011, 23:29
Interesting problem!

I was under the impression (no facts here just what I guessed) that each user effectively registered their details with a central server at Apple. In the settings you can configure what email addresses or numbers you can accept iMessages at, so presumed that, when these were altered, the details were sent to Apple's system so it could determine if that person was able to receive iMessages when someone sent one to any of their configure numbers or addresses.

If that's the case then I suppose those details would need to be removed somehow but god knows how that's done.

30-10-2011, 12:58
Turn off iMessage
Reboot (to clear the cache)
Turn iMessage back on


All done, still the same.

I'm guessing the same, Toby.
It's not my problem as such, more that his details are still registered on the servers as accepting iMessages.

30-10-2011, 23:42
Are/were either of you using iCould? That'd complicate matters! If you are, then:

Turn iCloud completely off on your phone.
Delete the contact on the phone.
Log in to icloud.com and delete the contact there. If you use iTunes, delete it there too.
Turn off iMessage.
Reboot phone.
Turn on iMessage, iCloud, and try again.

It seems iMessage can get stuck in both directions (off, and on).