View Full Version : Am I living in a completely mad world?

01-12-2011, 16:10
Rant. Quite a few of them.

Am I the only one who thinks it's stupid to mount a bus stop right in the middle of the pavement and not at the edge? So everyone trying to walk past has to weave round or make contact with the people standing at the bus stop? Am I really the only person who thinks it would be better on the edge of the pavement so we don't lose nearly another metre of pavement? And the people at the bus stop. They get the bus every day from that stop and yet persist to stand right in the middle of the limited space, usually smoking, and look surprised when you want to get by. Do people not learn?

And what's with Office 2010? Aside from the fact that EVERYTHING has moved and it's all now completely blurred due to Cleartype font rendering, HOW can this be more efficient? So we've moved from a legacy of a system that wasn't very efficient to use and got improved over time, but now NOTHING is in an intuitive place. I go to click the Send button on an email and there's a great big Paste button in the natural place I'd expect to find Send. Who dreams this stuff up? I couldn't even make it up if I tried.

On the subject of Cleartype, WTF? Who thought this was a good idea? Windows fonts go from crisp and clear on a TFT, just as they were developed to be, to blurry and stretched out. It doesn't even resemble what I'm about to print out in a Word document. Has that not dawned on anyone as a problem?

What else can I find to moan about? I'm sure there's something I've forgotten...

01-12-2011, 16:33
Having a bad day? :p :D

I totally agree with cretins at bus stops and general location of them. I walk Princes Street often in Edinburgh and there are too many for starters on the side i walk (the side away from stray people around shops) and they don't leave enough room for people to walk past really...

Office on the other hand i think is great, yeah it's different, but get used to that, it is more sensibly set out, and once you're used to that it's fine. All of windows is heading towards a ribbon interface windows explorer included. So something you'll have to deal with!

Cleartype divides people, personally i like it, and never noticed it causing me problems. But you're not the first person to ever mention that! You can turn it off if i'm not wrong though? So no harm there :)

01-12-2011, 16:48
Ooo it looks like I've ruffled a few feathers on OcUK. If you thought the anti-mac brigade were a bit too excitable you should see the pro-Office clan on OcUK ;D

02-12-2011, 00:10
Lol's haven't checked but I can only imagine, I can't even be bothered checking what they're saying but I assume what they speak is the truth (probably fairly blunt though). New office is leagues ahead of the older packages, but as i say to everyone who i sell it o, it *is* different, and you will have to unlearn all the silly idiosyncrasies you've come to naturally accept.

03-12-2011, 17:50
Don't get me started on Office. I mean seriously, every other app on the face of the earth uses Ctrl-F for find but Outlook insists on doing it differently.

04-12-2011, 00:59
It took me ages the other day to navigate around the new office... normally a dab hand (literally bish bash bosh jobs done) but this threw me. Word... I was confused as pie and then excel completely threw me. Getting used to it now...

It's about the same in my eyes. I hate microsoft but it's the best of a bad bunch! :)

04-12-2011, 19:44
I hate the new office too. I can understand change for improvement, but change to make it look like a comic book?

04-12-2011, 20:23
Thankfully I rarely use office these days but when I have to can't find a ****ing thing whereas it always used to be quite straight forward. Muppets.

05-12-2011, 09:53
Related rant:

I hate the fact that none of the Office products are compatible... I copy some text from Word into Powerpoint and it can't keep the formatting.. WTF?!

This annoys me, but so does when I want to copy EXACTLY the same text box in Powerpoint onto another slide... nope can't do that either.

****ing useless program. :angry:

BB x

05-12-2011, 11:38
This /\ /\ /\

05-12-2011, 13:17
Related rant:

I hate the fact that none of the Office products are compatible... I copy some text from Word into Powerpoint and it can't keep the formatting.. WTF?!

This annoys me, but so does when I want to copy EXACTLY the same text box in Powerpoint onto another slide... nope can't do that either.

****ing useless program. :angry:

BB x

Can't you import it instead... I thought it kept the formatting if you imported it, but then I can't recall if that's old/new office...

Edit: Like this.. http://www.addictivetips.com/microsoft-office/directly-send-word-2010-document-to-powerpoint-2010/ << then you can edit it if you need to?

or here: http://www.powerpointninja.com/powerpoint-2010/powerpoint-2010-paste-options-%E2%80%93-love-at-first-sight/ <- this is a great blog for tips & tricks!

And with the copying...do you mean it doesn't keep the formatting or you can't copy it at all? Can't say I've ever had the problem, but it might be to do with the source formatting as above? :huh:

I used to teach office to various level students from beginner to expert and I usually found that rather than the application not being able to do something, users didn't know how to do it and either went all around the houses to do something simple, or just assumed it wasn't capable. Not always, but often the case. I found that 2010 had more features and I found them a lot more accessible, compatible and useful once I got used to the new layout :)

07-12-2011, 01:16
I hate the fact that none of the Office products are compatible... I copy some text from Word into Powerpoint and it can't keep the formatting.. WTF?!

This is a long, long held pet peeve of mine, and many IT staff I know. Office isn't a suite at all, it's a series of individual programs loosely bundled together.
If they were a suite it would, amongst other things:

Use a unified page / text rendering tool so that the suite uses less resources and you can copy paste between the two
Would use the same approach for menus on each application (to whit, the difference between Excel and Word for getting to the main Options dialogue)

There is a principle in the programming world, D.R.Y. "Don't Repeat Yourself". If you find yourself coding the same process a second time, take a good look at it. If you find yourself doing it a third time, it's time you shifted that off into a library and made it just a single re-usable function rather than wasting time re-writing it and maybe doing it slightly (or significantly) differently the next time you do so. It's a waste of time and makes fixing bugs a pain. The number of different ways common features are handled in each program just indicates utter stupidity and a resistance to drawing a line in the sand and starting out afresh.

07-12-2011, 01:18
I had to google search how to change the formatting for a load of pasted items from some of my old website pages.


Damn new word documents!!

07-12-2011, 15:56
can someone translate Jarp's post from ubergeek to English please?



BB x

07-12-2011, 17:40
he agrees with you ;)

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