View Full Version : Kinect for voice/gesture input

Joe 90
27-12-2011, 19:01
With some of the deals on Kinect bundles I'm tempted to pick one up.


Pretty damn good deal. But I'm not sure how suitable Kinect is to my setup.

I have my TV/Xbox setup at the end of my bed so theres no space to stand up to use the thing, so would it still be suitable for voice & gesture control and maybe a bit of Forza head tracking whilst I'm sat on my backside? :confused:

30-12-2011, 15:15
I wouldn't bother if you're that limited for space.

Hardly any games allow for sitting and the ones that do tend to be a bit iffy on the tracking front. Only played Forza 4 with the head tracking once and that was fine but not something you'd use on a regular basis over a controller or steering wheel.

I'm not convinced the gestures for just navigating the 360 menus would work that well sitting down either.

30-12-2011, 20:25
I agree with Jen. Unless you've got room to stand up and use it properly I wouldn't bother.

Joe 90
01-01-2012, 15:36
cheers guys