View Full Version : Your 2012 Plans!

01-01-2012, 12:31
Would say New Year Resolutions buuuuuuuut I don't like that guff!

So excited about this year!


1. Motorbike training (CBT, Module 1, 2, advanced and off roading!) Wheeeee!

2. Run run run run ruuuuuuun! Get my running back on track for a couple of 5 and 10ks!

3. Go round the world, raising moolah and awareness for our charities!

Cannot WAIT! :D :D :D Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *pop*

01-01-2012, 13:29
Lift weights, lost lots of weight and finally meet up with some more of you lovely/crazy/insane/awesome people!

01-01-2012, 13:38
See friends more. Get back into decent shape. Save up for a house. Be happy.

01-01-2012, 14:42
No definite plans as such but I'm hoping this is the year I will finally be debt free for the first time in over 20 years :)

01-01-2012, 16:56
Learn to play violin.
Get my leg sorted.

That's it I think!

Del Lardo
01-01-2012, 17:00
Get a job
Get a job
Get a job

think my plans are pretty obvious ;D

01-01-2012, 17:07
Ongoing things, not just because it's New Year, but:

Achieve more in my career
Get my foot properly sorted
Be happy (the most important one of all!)

01-01-2012, 17:13


01-01-2012, 17:23
I suppose some form of career advancement should be on my list but in the current climate maybe just holding on to this one is ambitious enough.

An idea for a blog has been kicking around the back of my head for a while, maybe I'll finally give it a bash this year.

Oh, and my car is probably on it's last legs so I plan on getting a new one at Easter.

01-01-2012, 17:30
Heh I like that some people are blogging! I've been *attempting* to get used to twitter lately because of our up coming trip and needing to blog and what for that. To be fair I was half tempted to hire Missus Marie to do it for me as she's tweet and fb queen! Haha!

Sounds like some lovely plans this year people :) It's nice seeing people happy where they are and tweeking and yet lovely at the same time to see people changing direction completely and doing something exciting! Wheeeeeeeeee! xx

01-01-2012, 17:54
Hmmm, generally carrying on sorting the house out. Only been back three weeks and 2-3 years of living away has taken its toll. New kitchen and building work on the cards.

Also dumping the derv and switching back to a good RWD petrol saloon. Finally taking a big wallop out of the mortgage should do for this year.

01-01-2012, 22:39
Be happy.
This! :)

01-01-2012, 23:34
1. Get business up and running - scary self employmentness! (while keeping current job, boss supports it)

2. Make more of an effort to talk to people - might sound simple but it's probably a bigger challenge than the first.

3. Be more positive, fluff happens just get on with it :)

4. I have a camera, use it more!

02-01-2012, 02:47
Heh I like that some people are blogging! I've been *attempting* to get used to twitter lately because of our up coming trip and needing to blog and what for that. To be fair I was half tempted to hire Missus Marie to do it for me as she's tweet and fb queen! Haha!

Sounds like some lovely plans this year people :) It's nice seeing people happy where they are and tweeking and yet lovely at the same time to see people changing direction completely and doing something exciting! Wheeeeeeeeee! xx

I barely ever see Marie on twitter. think I must be following the wrong person :/ Took her long enough to get there! :p

02-01-2012, 10:52
I barely ever see Marie on twitter. think I must be following the wrong person :/ Took her long enough to get there! :p

I don't tweet much, I look more than I post, panic not, you're following the right me :)

02-01-2012, 12:32
Kitten - Facebook then! Marie is mega at it! IMO she should be a social networker lady! :D

Tis mega awesome :)

A Place of Light
02-01-2012, 14:03
In 2012 I want to learn (or try to/start to learn) Italian.

02-01-2012, 15:20
I need to seriously look at where my career is headed and think about what I want. What I do know is that I want to be less stressed which will lead to more quality time with Amelie and Heather, if this means taking a step backward or a complete career change to a role with less responsibility then so be it.

I need to get running again, it's been impossible with being responsible for picking Amelie up from childcare everyday but I need to find a way even if that means running at lunchtimes (which given I work at a college surrounded my sneering kids isn't a particularly nice idea.

There are some jobs around the house which if I bought a book on DIY I could probably do myself, I'm rubbish at practical stuff but I need to make more of an effort with it and get the house sorted in general (decluttering), this will make me happier and less stressed


02-01-2012, 18:02
In 2012 I want to learn (or try to/start to learn) Italian.

My brother is learning Italian this year - his new ladyfriend is Italian so he's trying to impress.

My plans.

1. finish the savings to buy a house.
2. get into shape, I'm not overweight but I'm very unfit.
3. learn a lot more varied cooking styles.

All achievable but will actually require some work so I'm happy with them :p

02-01-2012, 21:20

1. Get to grips with the new job.
2. Try again down the gym (3rd time lucky!)
3. Sort out work/life balance.
4. Declutter more (made a start, which helped, but not done much recently).
5. Decide whether to fix this place up (needs some fairly major work soon), or move on.

03-01-2012, 09:20

1. Lose 2 stone (would have been 1 stone, but I put a stone on over Christmas... Oops!:D)
2. I would like to finish the Scimitar this year
3. Write more, finish the play and get it accepted at the theatre
4. Get a lot more serious at learning the guitar. I've been playing for a couple of years now, but still suck.
5. Sort my back out, so I can get back into hiking.

03-01-2012, 11:27
Learn to play violin.
Get my leg sorted.

That's it I think!

Oh, start my ACCA accounting qualification!

Joe 90
03-01-2012, 12:49
Read all the books I've picked up for my Kindle. I managed to pick up about 10 in the week following Christmas! No idea when I'll find time for them, but I guess they're not going anywhere.

I also look forward to getting the bikes out again as I've become a fair weather cyclist to go with my fair weather golfing! Oh and then there are two weddings, in Devon & Rhodes, so a couple of holidays to look forward to there :D

03-01-2012, 18:43
Enjoy my family and being a mum.
Finish and move into house.
Maybe get married.

03-01-2012, 19:21
Complete my Gym Instructor Level 2 course
Start and complete the Level 3
Get an appropriate job
Buy a flat
Lose weight/bodyfat
Get better at pole and accomplish some moves that have been alluding me (shoulder-mount, twisted grip lift and superman being the main ones)
Go to more burlesque classes (next one booked for the end of February)
Try bellying dancing classes
Get more confident at driving solo
Learn to park :p

03-01-2012, 19:56
Learn to park :p

I passed my test just over 11 years ago and I'm still awful at parking ;D

This year I'm going to
*lose a substantial amount of weight and get fit. I fully intend to enjoy the getting fit part as I love pole fitness :)
*totally own the beginner stage of pole fitness and progress as far as I can.
*finish decorating and carpeting the house.
*take the kids on some kind of holiday.

03-01-2012, 21:53
Enjoy my family and being a mum.
Finish and move into house.
Maybe get married.
Oh oh, I think this is my favourite!!!

Awwww!!! :)

03-01-2012, 22:06
Tell more people to c*ck off.

03-01-2012, 22:10
Tell more people to c*ck off.

I approve :thumbup:

04-01-2012, 00:15
Some how continue to cut monthly cost and survive first 6 months financially. Two stag dos, two wedding, two weeks in America, need a suit and very low on clothes. Just don't know where this money's going to come from.

Other than that kick my coke habit. Got caffeine withdrawl symptoms now and terrified about my first night shift when ever that is, I can't survive without it.

05-01-2012, 08:24
1. Stop making lists
B. Be more consistant
7. Learn to count

Stolen off FB.

A Place of Light
05-01-2012, 09:07
My brother is learning Italian this year - his new ladyfriend is Italian so he's trying to impress.

To be honest I'd love to try learning Cantonese too but its unrealistic to take on both at the same time :-(

05-01-2012, 10:27
1. Stop making lists
B. Be more consistent
7. Learn to count

Stolen off FB.

Add - learn to spell :p

BB x

05-01-2012, 10:58
Add - learn to spell :p

BB x
I've been up since 03:45...

05-01-2012, 14:07
Absolutely no idea. I don't really make plans and just float through life and take whatever gets chucked at me :D

05-01-2012, 14:40
I've been up since 03:45...

So just over 6 hours..? I've been up since 5.45 and I can still spell :p

05-01-2012, 15:18
Already 1.4% of the way through 2012!! :p

05-01-2012, 16:40
So just over 6 hours..? I've been up since 5.45 and I can still spell :p
Up thy flue. :p

Del Lardo
11-01-2012, 18:00
Get a job
Get a job
Get a job

think my plans are pretty obvious ;D

Well that turned out to be easier than I expected so I've now been told that I am going to loose some weight this year. Already started playing 5-a-side again (twice a week) and will have a think about what else I can do, the gym is the obvious option but I hate going so I don't think it's a realistic plan.

11-01-2012, 19:04
I've already failed most of mine, but anyway :p

1) Go to bed early
2) Drink more water
3) Don't make so many plans

Will update with others later!

BB x

12-01-2012, 21:37
The things I want to get done this year are

1. Get a min of £1000 saved for emergencies such as car breakdowns etc.
2. Either fully/mostly pay the money I borrowed from my Grandmother
3. Start properly putting money into an account for a deposit. I have a share package that is on track to be my deposit, however this is a few years away and I don't want to get to that point and it fall through and then have to start from scratch.
4. Near the end of the year start to look at moving out into a flat / house share.
5. Try to move up through the company. which is unlikely if things don't pick up as there aren't many jobs.
6. I want to look into learning German, since I am part German, my Oma and Dad speak German, so I think it is about time I learnt.
7. Get a man

This is the year I have to get my act together