View Full Version : Chassis Paint

03-01-2012, 09:36
Anybody recommend any decent paint/treatment for the Scim chassis?

I had it blast cleaned and, as I hadn't really thought about what I wanted to do with it, but didn't want it to re-rust while I thought about it, I just asked the guys to coat it in etch-primer.

I was intending to cover it in Eastwood Chassis Black paint, but picked up the can to give it a cursory blast over yesterday (just to see what it looked like) and, just before I sprayed it, I read "do not use over self etching primer".


So now I'm not sure what to use....

03-01-2012, 11:37
Can you spray it in anti-stone-chip paint first and then the chassis paint? Otherwise - 2K is best, but use a decent brand.

03-01-2012, 15:55
Hmmm... good idea... I'll have a look into that...