View Full Version : 25 Films

23-01-2012, 17:15
Posting this in GD initially so everyone sees it, then it can be moved to AV if people want to take it on :)

I've seen this idea floating about on Tumblr...


was wondering how if any of the BD crew fancied signing up and having a go -

If you want to do it, we can either:

1) Try to get 25 people to do it, then everyone can suggest one film per person in the challenge,


2) You can sign up and other BD members (don't have to be taking part) will suggest a film that they think you will like.


3) Sign up and we'll arrange some kind of vote to select 25 films (could use the one Paul has posted as a start) and everyone can watch the same films and comment on them afterwards?

Anyone fancy it? And if so, which option, 1, 2 or 3?

23-01-2012, 19:47
I picked 1. Seems like the best option for getting interesting films, and adds an extra level of fun finding out what people think of the film you picked. :)

Edit: Oh, hang on, do you only get one film with option 1? I thought it was '25 people in, everyone watches everyone else's suggestions'. I guess I was thinking of a combo of 1 and 3.

23-01-2012, 20:50
No, that's right, 25 people each choose 24 films (not one for themselves) one for each of the other 24 people in the group :) Hmmmm I guess we need 26?!

Takes a bit of effort and thought to get something good for everyone. To add a bit of fun, you could rate each movie for relevance, and see who made the best suggestions :D

24-01-2012, 03:27
I'd be up for this

24-01-2012, 08:17
I've gone for#3 just because it seems the least mentally involved :p

24-01-2012, 13:02
I guess it doesn't even have to be 25 if people are too lame to join in.


24-01-2012, 13:04
I'm in but it will need explaining to me in pictures. :o + :p

24-01-2012, 13:22
I'm in :)

I've selected 1 and 3 as I think either could work.

3 would probably be preferred, though, as it would mean we each choose a film for everyone to watch, review and rate; so there is a more constricted selection and it works with however many people sign up.

We could also award the person who selects the most popular film with a pie! Mmmmm, pie! :D

24-01-2012, 17:10
I'm up for some of this.
It'll help with my side project below my sig. ;)

Are we going to watch them all in the same order? Sort of like a book club with films. A 'film club' if you will.
Or just put up a list and sample whatever we like the look of?

27-01-2012, 13:57
Yeah, any really. Will have a think over the weekend and might stick another poll up for those taking part. Only downside to that is that everyone is busy and if people miss a week, they might not want to take part. I'd say we have possibly a little sub-forum (if that's easy enough to do). We could put a 2 week period for each film across the year for those who want to watch it 'together' as it were, and anyone who doesn't get chance to do it then can update as and when? :)

06-02-2012, 14:29
So how are we doing with this? I'm keen to get cracking before the sun starts staying out past 5pm and I have to start going outside socialising again <shudder> ;)

06-02-2012, 17:36
I do think 3 would be the easiest - everyone suggests 1 or 2 films and we make a list, people can then *cough* source the films before we get started on watching them

06-02-2012, 20:11
Yeah, I'm going to do a new post tomorrow, been thinking about this:

Ask a mod to create a Sub forum of the AV forum, we'll all suggest 1 film to begin with and I'll start a new thread for each one with a date range of two weeks each - then you can either:

a) Watch it within the date range and discuss it - like a film club
b) Watch it whenever you can/want to and update it outside of those dates...

I thought about forgetting the 25 film limit as there is a different number of us - (we'll still call it 25 films though, just to confuse people :p) ....however adding b) as an option for those who can't watch the 'current' film in the dates suggested - maybe they're on holiday/busy/don't fancy it. Although the 'Rate the Last Movie you watched' thread is great, there's no collective - it's all linear and you might be commenting on a film someone else commented on months ago but not see the earlier posts - this way we can sort of build a database of these films for everyone to comment on as and when they watch the movie. And of course, we can add new ones whenever we like - so if you see a great movie you'd like to recommend, we can put it in there.

Of course you'll need to use spoiler tags.

That sound good? Feel free to start posting your suggestions, I think so far there are 11 or 12 of us - so 1 or 2 to start with - 22/24 will take us up to almost a year if we give each film a 2 week watching period :)

06-02-2012, 20:58
Sounds good. If it's going to be one movie per thread can I suggest we use the rate thread facility to give the film a mark out of five? That way the thread score is the official Boat Drinks Collective Review Score or Budduckers. (Somone else can come up with a proper acronym :p)

06-02-2012, 21:06
Excellent idea :D

06-02-2012, 21:23
I'm a headcase and forgot to chip in on this thread!

I'm in! Option 1 or 3 is good as well :)

06-02-2012, 22:35
Good plan, Kitten :)

I shall think of a suitable masterpiece to put forward!

We've jus written a provisional list :)

06-02-2012, 23:09
I could well be up for some of this :D

07-02-2012, 10:43
My two choices

Primer (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0390384/)
MirrorMask (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0366780/)

07-02-2012, 19:51
Watched Primer the other day - OMG!

07-02-2012, 21:54
Watched Primer the other day - OMG!

I had to watch it twice before everything seemed to completely click in, and then for the next few weeks I found myself figuring further stuff out, all the subtleties.

07-02-2012, 22:26
This graphic has it just about right :D


08-02-2012, 09:27
Just waiting for the sub-forum to get the yay or nay and be set up if ok...


08-02-2012, 12:16
Just waiting for the sub-forum to get the yay or nay and be set up if ok...


I spy, with my little eye... :D

10-02-2012, 10:11
Something beginning with 'Sub'... :D

I happen to already have Mirrormask which I haven't watched yet, will go on the hunt for Primer later.

10-02-2012, 21:47
I've resisted the urge to post anything in there as I think Kitten deserves the honour :D

11-02-2012, 22:18
Any more film suggestions?

12-02-2012, 00:20
Any more film suggestions?

How about American Psycho? Not seen it yet myself but one of those films I've always intended to get round to.

12-02-2012, 00:29
added :)

Del Lardo
12-02-2012, 00:41
I'd like to propose Battle Royale (2000) but appreciate that it may not be to everyones taste.

12-02-2012, 00:44
Doesn't matter Del, that's part of the point really, watching stuff you wouldn't usually choose. Don't forget, people can swerve it if they don't fancy it. I'll add it tomorrow :)

Del Lardo
12-02-2012, 00:54
Doesn't matter Del, that's part of the point really, watching stuff you wouldn't usually choose. Don't forget, people can swerve it if they don't fancy it. I'll add it tomorrow :)

Maybe a little warning for films like this that contain rather graphic violence would do the trick.

Does raise an interesting point as a glass of wine starts to befuddle my brain, I wouldn't think twice about recommending a very violent film from Hollywood but a very violent film from Japan makes me think twice.

12-02-2012, 00:55
Yeah, fair point, if the film you recommend has lots of violence or sex in it, best mention it and i'll put a little warning on it.

12-02-2012, 01:03
Gia and Better than Chocolate - both have sex - ill post up imdb links in the morning if they're needed

12-02-2012, 01:44
That's fine, I'll get them :)

Good call on Gia ;)

12-02-2012, 08:06
Waltz with Bashir




12-02-2012, 10:23
That's fine, I'll get them :)

Good call on Gia ;)

Its a fab film :)

As I'm awake for some odd reason; links:
Gia (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0123865/)
Better than Chocolate (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0168987/)

12-02-2012, 22:06
Can I join in?

I would like to put forward Pan's Labyrinth and The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas :)

12-02-2012, 22:49
Maybe a little warning for films like this that contain rather graphic violence would do the trick.

Does raise an interesting point as a glass of wine starts to befuddle my brain, I wouldn't think twice about recommending a very violent film from Hollywood but a very violent film from Japan makes me think twice.

Interesting observation with which I tend to agree. I was actually thinking about Hard Boiled only the other week :)

Oh, and lots of suggestions for films I've not seen :D

12-02-2012, 23:54
I'm thinking, I'm thinking :)

13-02-2012, 00:22
OK I'm working this as films I've seen that I'd like other people to see rather than films I think are the best films ever, so

I thought this was great, but it might offend if you don't have a sense of humour about religion

Religulous (2008)

I could suggest the original but this US remake is almost as good and you get Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz and TC and Kurt Russell! This is not my favourite Cameron Crowe movie but to suggest Almost Famous would be a bit cliche, maybe in the next round ;)

Vanilla Sky (2001)

13-02-2012, 13:48
Sorry if this has already been covered and I've missed it (browsing on my phone). How accessible do films need to be? As in buy/rent/love film etc?

13-02-2012, 16:03
I look the other way for a day and suddenly the thread is all go. :)

The Disappearance of Alice Creed (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1379177/)

Triangle (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1187064/)

13-02-2012, 21:30
I waited for you to look away :p Will add new suggestions tomorrow.

Del Lardo
13-02-2012, 21:51
Interesting observation with which I tend to agree. I was actually thinking about Hard Boiled only the other week :)

Ooooh not seen that in a few years. I have a funny theory but as even said in jest it would make Nick Griffin sound like aparadigm of racial tolerance I'd best keep it to myself :D

I'm really struggling with my 2nd film selection, it's 1 of my top 5 all time films with Star Trek (2009) excluded as anyone who hasn't already seen it is clearly insane and wouldn't know a geek ****fest if it came...... Oh you can see where I'm going with this one.......