View Full Version : Sausage, Salami & Lentil Casserole

06-02-2012, 13:44
Cooked this a few times and we're both really enjoying it.

2 medium onions
2 garlic cloves
150g green lentils (washed)
200g salami (buy a whole salami and cut into thin matchstick sized pieces)
sausages (enough for 2)
400g Passata
500ml Water
3 bay leaves
1tbls olive oil

Peel & slice the garlic and with the onions cut them in half and then into around 4 pieces.

Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the onions making sure the go soft and not brown. Then while they are cooking add the garlic and the salami and continue stirring so it doesn't burn.

Brown the sausage while the onions are cooking.

Now add the passata, water and washed lentils (cheers psy) to the onions mix and bring to the boil.

Once boiling tuck the sausages and bay leaves in, cover and simmer for around 45 minutes.

Season and serve.

06-02-2012, 20:18
It is seriously amazing. Had it for lunch today. NOM.

06-02-2012, 21:32
Sounds LOVELY ! :D

06-02-2012, 21:35
I prefer it with the sausages chopped up and mixed in - but you can leave them whole if you'd rather :) You could also swap out the sausages for quorn or something if you wanted to keep it really low fat.

07-02-2012, 00:07
Sounds yum! Really like lentil dishes. They soak up the flavour beautifully.

I make this (http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1982/onepot-lentil-chicken) chicken and lentil one pot a lot and serve it with some salad leaves. Filling and low fat too :)

07-02-2012, 09:05
Make sure you use green lentils, red become too mushy.

10-02-2012, 02:04
I shall try this on Wednesday!

11-02-2012, 09:40
Make sure you use green lentils, red become too mushy.

Agreed! Save red ones for soup & daal

14-02-2012, 18:29
Dammit! Can't find green lentils ANYWHERE! :(

14-02-2012, 18:33
shame you don't work near a supermarket :(


14-02-2012, 20:40
Worse than that! Empty shelf, had to go and ask people about when we get stock in. should be there by morning....

14-02-2012, 23:27
Erm....silly question but when do the lentils go in? No hints in the instructions :p

14-02-2012, 23:54
Not silly :) Lentils go in with the water and passata :)

15-02-2012, 00:16
Cheers :)

Just hope the lentils are actually in stock tomorrow. Already had all the cheese & yoghurts chucked away after someone didn't put them in the fridge.... :shocked:

15-02-2012, 20:40

Pikshures to follow! :)



Stuffed! :D

15-02-2012, 21:36
Sounds LOVELY ! :D

Second this, however no sausages at the moment and freezer is overfilling with meat. But I will try this at some point.

15-02-2012, 21:51
It is very filling :)

Joe 90
20-02-2012, 23:45
Sounds yum! Really like lentil dishes. They soak up the flavour beautifully.

I make this (http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1982/onepot-lentil-chicken) chicken and lentil one pot a lot and serve it with some salad leaves. Filling and low fat too :)

I've had that good food recipe tonight, made with chicken thighs, it was delicious!
Need to try the other one now. I normally only encounter lentils in soup but maybe I need to experiment a little!

21-02-2012, 00:33
I had this again tonight. NOM!