View Full Version : Focus On Imaging 2012

12-02-2012, 16:21
Is anyone here planning on visiting the Focus On Imaging show at the NEC next month?

Have been the last two years but was umming and ahhing about whether to bother this time but might be tempted if anyone here is going as would be good to meet some of you! :)

Not sure if Canon are bothering this year - they pulled out quite late last year I think.

12-02-2012, 16:56
I've got my badge through, but don't think I'll bother. It was more the social aspect I went for, but seeing as I don't visit TP anymore, it wasn't worth it. Never had the cash to buy anything :D

12-02-2012, 17:23
I never have the cash either but that's half the fun - it's like playing a game of chicken with your wallet :D

12-02-2012, 17:35
As I'm starting to take things a bit more seriously, and with work looking to expand into displays/printers I'm stull thinking about it. Only other show I've done was the Canon pro solutions one.

12-02-2012, 17:41
We popped down to the Canon Pro Solutions event a year or two back but was a bit of a trek from Brum so wouldn't do it regularly. Was quite interesting with a few good demonstrations but far smaller than Focus. Did enjoy playing with a 600mm f/4L though and fondling an 85mm f/1.2L II :D

12-02-2012, 20:13
Considering it, but I think we're going to be busy that weekend.

Joe 90
13-02-2012, 18:21
I used to love Focus, but it did get a bit boring when you don't have thousands to spend on awesome new kit!
I think this was the best thing I ever found there... for a cool 15k


Well apart from this beauty (http://www.flickr.com/photos/markwalker/2236541664/in/set-72157603838040075) ;D

13-02-2012, 21:30
I'd have serious kit envy.