View Full Version : URGENT PLEA - 70-200L

22-02-2012, 06:39
This is a fairly desperate plea...

I do a bit of race photography with a friend from running club. I usually borrow my Dad's 70-200L, but he's away this weekend and I have the biggest race of the year coming up. My EFS 55-250 F4-5.6 just doesn't cut it and the difference between the two is huge. I'll get a 70-200L eventually, but it's not top of my list at the moment.

Anyway, I am desperate for a 70-200L for this Sunday. The 4.0 is fine. Does anyone have one which they would be willing to post to me for Sunday? I will post it straight back, special delivery on Monday morning and of course will cover all postage costs. Email me if you can help - kate d0t reeves at the gmail place of the c0m

Worth a try :)

Del Lardo
22-02-2012, 21:18
If you don't have any luck elsewhere have a look at http://www.hireacamera.com/

Friend has used them a few times and really likes them, no idea about the price though.

22-02-2012, 22:37
I'm all sorted now, but thank you :) The money I'm getting doesn't really make hiring a lens worthwhile, so I was going to use my other lens if I couldn't get my hands on some L glass.