View Full Version : Moving iTunes libraries to a NAS

Joe 90
29-02-2012, 18:19
I'm currently setting up my new NAS box as I've finally picked up a 2Tb drive for it.

What I want to do (ideally) is use it as a central iTunes server so that my mac & various PCs can use it as a single source of content rather than having different content on all machines.

Has anybody done this? I've researched it before & know from experience with OS upgrades etc that iTunes isn't the nicest thing to make changes to so hope I can pick up some tips... or just rebuild all my content and just start again.

I guess what I'm unsure of though is if several iTunes clients can share a library?

29-02-2012, 23:00
iTunes library on a NAS is fine, providing only one client uses it at a time. If you want more, use iTunes' sharing features, or iCloud (if you can stomach the bill for iTunes Match).

Joe 90
01-03-2012, 18:31
Thanks Mark. Think I'll stick with using it as a share. (I've got iTunes Match as well which is great for music at work!)

I did a little more reading about the feature of this specific NAS last night and people were saying its out dated & a port of an old app called firefly or something so I've gone off the idea. I might just try and use it as a backup of music & hopefully cope with duplication issues.