View Full Version : Got Calzone???

04-03-2012, 18:01
So, I decided last night that rather than pour away half of the sourdough starter I have in order to keep him fresh I'd use it to make some sour pizza dough.

Made up the dough and left it overnight in the fridge for the yeast to slowly nom away and get me some great elastic dough.

Up this morning, knock it back and put it out on the side to warm up and have a lovely second rise.

This afternoon I rolled/patted out the dough into a nice sized oval to start making the calzone

http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/422010_10150613061531225_503226224_9510141_6692032 93_n.jpg

got all of the filling ready

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/428115_10150613062271225_503226224_9510144_1447848 657_n.jpg

Topped the bad boy, folded it and whacked it in the oven [pictures all still on iPhone, too lazy to get them right now :p]

I may have been a bit ambitious with quantities...

http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/425834_10150613153286225_503226224_9510630_5728021 9_n.jpg

That is a dinner plate, not a side plate....
I managed to get it onto the scales we have here and it weighed in at a nice 4lb :D

Monika and I had 1/4 each and the other half is going to be nommed for lunch tomorrow :D

I think this is the biggest calzone I've made, actually possibly the single biggest piece of food I've made - second being a 3lb stromboli :D


04-03-2012, 21:02
Looks monstrous :D

04-03-2012, 22:10

06-03-2012, 09:07
Mmmmm... Italian Pasty. :D

06-03-2012, 12:24
oh man that's epic.

06-03-2012, 18:46
I don't know what massive food to do next, probably the same again but with MORE MEAT!

I can quite honestly say, it's one of the best pizzas/calzones I have had, the dough was so soft and smooth and the filling was perfect.

Joe 90
06-03-2012, 20:40
Wow. That looks great. Although I'm slightly disappointed there isn't a photo of it cut down the middle! :D

07-03-2012, 19:03
Sorry dude, did take one - just didn't post it here... for your delight I present you with...

http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/64850_10150613156576225_503226224_9510666_82582371 0_n.jpg

Joe 90
08-03-2012, 00:27
Yes! That looks even better now ;D