View Full Version : Tell me about your fishies!

12-03-2012, 21:01
Do any BD'ers have aquariums?

We have a 280 litre tropical tank that used to be coldwater until we got some kind of algae problem that made the fish sick and we lost most of them. We rehomed the fish in a smaller tank and cleaned out the big one, and set it up as tropical.

We brought the plec and our big albino catfish from the coldwater tank into the tropical tank in January and then started adding more fish some weeks back.

Currently, we have 4 albino cory catfish (1 big, 3 babies), 2 dwarf gouramis, 2 moonlight gourami's, a plec, a dalmation molly, 2 orange/black mollys and most recently a black ghost knifefish. We have an issue with little fish being trapped in the side of the filter at the moment, so can't have any small neons or tetras :(

Thought it would be nice to have somewhere to chat about all things fishy, if anyone else is into it :)

Will post some piccies shortly :)

12-03-2012, 21:26
We have a ickle biorb with 3 fishies in it .. used to be 6 ... oops ! :D

We did try and get it going as marine, got the tank cycled then added a fire shrimp called Albert

Sadly Albert lasted about 2 days.. the night before he did we were laughing at him because he looked like he was raving when infact he was probably having some sort of fishy fit :/

So we gave up on the marine and went to tropical

Need to get some more fishies, the tank is an absolute sod to keep clean!

12-03-2012, 22:10
I heart fishies but no time for pets at the moment :(

Heh. As a leaving present I bought my Theatre Studies teacher two goldfish. That was nearly 10 years ago and one of them is still going :D Hahahahahaa!

12-03-2012, 22:16
This is a black ghost knife fish - not ours, ours is about 3/4 inches long and he's still hiding at the moment. They are beautiful.


ours is more like this:


12-03-2012, 22:40
Oh....just refreshed and saw your posts! Poor Alfred! :O

And yes Pheebs, is hard when you're planning on moving about because you can't commit to a pet. But you can always come and visit ours :)

12-03-2012, 23:48
I have an Aqua One tank. I think it's about 190 litres, iirc.

I have some Platty's, some Danio's, some White Cloud Mountain Minnows and a couple of Siamese Flying Foxes. I had issues with it to start with and lost some fish, but I have changed the brand of chemicals I use now and they all seem much happier.

Del Lardo
14-03-2012, 20:37
My brother in law (well they're not married but i'm really not sure how else to refer to him) is really into his fishes. Got one big tank in the house and three other tanks in his shed where he breeds fish, goes to shows to buy/sell fishes and everything.

I'd really like a tropical tank when I live somewhere where a breakage wouldn't result in the people downstairs drowning.