View Full Version : where to learn the basics in php/css/blahblahblah (for wordpress)

20-03-2012, 20:27
Hey all,

I've managed to mess up a load of things in my blog by being a spoon whilst doing some housekeeping and doing some updates - stuff that I should have known better and after I broke it thought *I knew that would happen*.

So, it's been quite a while since I played with my blog and had it set up just the way I wanted it and it took me ages of trial and error and reading about what I was doing. And I still don't know whether it was done properly :p

In order to get it back on track, and understand what I'm doing I'd like to learn the basics.

Some guides jump the gun and assume knowledge about other parts, and some are just plain confusing.

Can you guys help me out as to the best place to start with regards to all the basic things I should know for wordpress stuff. I have used html before but never really got to know CSS and PHP is just a completely foreign language and the databases just confuse the hell out of me :p

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Joe 90
20-03-2012, 23:59
When I was developing WP for my dissertation I just used the WP docs & my HTML/CSS knowledge. Still don't really know any php but can do plenty with WP now.

I would recommend this site for learning new things like this though. I've learnt jQuery with one of their free courses;

21-03-2012, 09:51
I'll give Leo a nudge, he's done some projects with wordpress lately.

22-03-2012, 16:04
would email be easier for this?

22-03-2012, 18:59
Ooh, personal assistant :D haha!

I'll have a look at some of the guides that are on the website that J90 has linked to and see what I can work out myself as I can foresee plenty of really tedious emails if I don't pick some of it up first.

Then if I'm still stuck or if I need anything more specific I'll drop you a line :D

Muchas Gracias guys!

Joe 90
22-03-2012, 19:55
No problem. If thats your plan of attack then this needs a bookmark;

25-03-2012, 15:26
If you want a proper understanding and have a bit of time I recommend the Stanford online lectures on dynamic websites


Yes it's 12, 13 hours or so of lectures but you will really understand what is going on rather than just copying from a tutorial :) It helps that the presenter has excellent delivery too.

Joe 90
03-04-2012, 15:09
Superb Rich. I think I could use the refresher that should provide. ;D