View Full Version : REAL* ZOMBIE INVASION!!!

21-03-2012, 15:14
http://www.reghardware.com/2012/03/21/experience_zombie_onslaught_in_derelict_shopping_c entre/

*ok so not, technically, real zombies... but still.... :D

21-03-2012, 15:35
OH.... MY... GOD!

This is one up from 2.8 hours Later!! GUNS! You get GUNS!!

Aw man. £119.00. Seriously?

/sad pheebs


24-03-2012, 20:48
You do indeed get guns, but don't even think about bringing your own weapons - they're not allowed.

I'm not entirely sure where that building is because they're remodelling the whole area around Reading station (where I just happened to be today). No zombies spotted.