View Full Version : Game of Thrones

29-05-2012, 12:17
So who has been watching it? What have you thought?

Del Lardo
29-05-2012, 12:38
Really enjoyed the first series, I think I've made a mistake in reading ahead in the books as in comparison I've found the second series to be really one dimensional story wise, still enjoying it but it's lost something :(

29-05-2012, 12:50
I'm reading steadily behind! Don't think I can wait for S3 though I'll have to carry on. It's like tantric reading, only so much you take.

As for the series, I LOVE it. Think it's one of the best 'done' shows we've seen for a while. The cast are superb.

29-05-2012, 15:07
So everyone's favourite Character is Tyrion? :D

It is interesting reading the books though. Anyone been listening to the audiobooks?

29-05-2012, 15:21
I like Tyrion, love Dany & Arya too.

Del Lardo
29-05-2012, 16:36
So everyone's favourite Character is Tyrion? :D

It is interesting reading the books though. Anyone been listening to the audiobooks?

When I said reading what I actually meant was listening to audiobooks, 5 hours a day commuting does have its advantages :huh:

I am really enjoying the TV series but it just can't compete plot wise in 7.5 hours with a book that takes 30+ hours to read, found that reading/listening to the first book after watching the first series made me enjoy it more. Watching the second series having listened to the second series made me enjoy the TV series less which is annoying as it's one of the best things on TV in a long time.

I'm also getting increasingly annoyed with the number of spoilers that I've heard, was at the checkout a few weeks ago chatting away to the checkout bod and mentioned that I was going home to watch GoT and he asked if I'd seen the bit where XXX dies yet? Nearly slapped the dozy twunt, I'm halfway through the third book and XXX is still alive :angry:

30-05-2012, 08:45
I have the first series on BluRay but still haven't found the time to watch any of it...

30-05-2012, 09:42
My sister keeps promising to lend me the first series to watch, she's got to complete watching it herself first though.