View Full Version : It died on me :( looking for advice on new kit

10-06-2012, 22:45
So my vintage 2007 htpc has died on me :(

Switch it on and the psu works and the light on the power button works... It was going through a cycle of restarting but not even that now... no beep no post from the mobo, so assuming it has died.

I lost a lot of blood sweat and tears on that baby...

I should like to keep the case so i'm looking for the internals,.. previous vintage was:
Gigabyte GA-G33M-DS2R
4GB (4x1gb) Geil PC2 6400

Way out of the loop these days... so Dym posted this (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showpost.php?p=382687&postcount=6) And Leo posted this (http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=BU-204-OK&groupid=43&catid=2047&subcat=2274) but the currys version.

Which would I be better going for?... I have a little concern for the OCUK bundle in that if I wanted to add an extra 4gb ram ...
Please note that adding in additional memory to the spare slots will require new BIOS settings and the maximum clock speed attainable may be significantly reduced. OcUK recommend a quality brand PSU for use with all our bundles such as the Corsair TX & HX range. Updating the BIOS on the overclocked bundle range will void the warranty on the overclock. If you update the BIOS we will no longer be able to provide support for configuring and maintaining the CPU overclock.

Or indeed any other bargain bundles/componants out there?

(no gaming required unless you count moshi monsters!)

11-06-2012, 13:40
I installed the currys bundle and it runs great. Does 3D :D

11-06-2012, 16:42
Just noticed Dyms Motherboard is no good for me as it's not mATX

11-06-2012, 20:20
Just noticed Dyms Motherboard is no good for me as it's not mATX

Is it not?

Form Factor: Micro ATX

It's a ruddy small board!

11-06-2012, 21:54
Now your expecting me to read the specs!! :rolleyes:

It didn't say in the tile so I just assumed it wasn't...:o

19-06-2012, 13:34
Here looks like a good place to start:

I'd be tempted by Zotac Ion running XBMC for an HTPC (assuming it's just for media).

24-06-2012, 20:26
My HTPC went pop the other week (powered up but no post, suspect the mobo). Was similar vintage, with an E8400 and P35 mobo. I suspect the CPU is OK if anyone wants it btw, but would need to test it.

Anyway, I ended up buying an i3-2120 for about £90 and a Gigabyte H77M-D3H mATX mobo for about £70 and it works perfectly. Was using a discrete 9500GT graphics card but, with the new kit, I'm giving the on-chip Intel graphics on the i3 a go and they seem to be fine for HTPC use. Using on-board sound too so the only expansion cards needed are the tuners. Am also using the stock retail Intel cooler and have to say that it runs silently too.