View Full Version : Places to see and things to do in Brussels?

02-12-2012, 15:46
After a conversation with a fellow CAMRA member yesterday in which we discussed Belgian beers, I decided it was about time I visited the place to try some out for myself. I've raided my BA Avios (airmiles) and booked a trip there next weekend (only cost me 18,000 Avios and £40 for business class :cool:).

Having never been there, I would welcome any advice on things/places to see and do while I'm there. Also, good places to eat and drink.

FYI, I'm staying in the THON hotel near the city centre - just a short walk from the North train station. I would prefer eating and drinking establishments to be within reasonable walking distance (couple of miles, max).

Joe 90
03-12-2012, 19:26
You're in luck, I was there for a stag do in April! I made a map on google for all the places I looked at going - https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=201887729354991449316.0004bb37d5630a6c2776 7&msa=0&ll=50.846923,4.351015&spn=0.040103,0.104284

Have a wander around Grand Place (https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/415025_688856237213_970099566_o.jpg) as it's a lovely square with lots of little restaurants/cafes around it. And Le Poechenellekelder (https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/578638_688873951713_1280397524_n.jpg) is certainly worth a visit (also on the map) with great food & beer. Especially the cheese (https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/560273_688873901813_792042673_n.jpg) plater I got & the pasta dishes the lads got.

The one place we went more than anywhere else was the Delirium cafe. Its superb! http://www.deliriumcafe.be/

Have a look for the Mort Subite cafe a few streets behind it - it is a more traditional cafe/bar throughout with good food to accompany the beer!

The irish bar on that map was a great place for breakfast if you'd rather get out of the hotel. That was our main problem though - finding somewhere good for food but I don't know if that was to do with the part of the city we were in. I think the best restaurant type food we got all week was from Pizza hut!

03-12-2012, 20:25
That's a great help, thanks :)

Already been told about the Grand Place, Atomium and Delirium - apparently there's a huge Christmas market at the Grand Place. Will have a look at those other bars you mentioned and I think I'll be checking out the Irish place for breakfast. I decided against breakfast at the hotel - they wanted 15 euros a day for continental breakfast :shocked:

Joe 90
03-12-2012, 21:02
Yeah full Irish breakfast at O'Reilly's was about 10 euros I think, damn good stuff!

A christmas market in that square would be fantastic I bet! Have a good time!

09-12-2012, 14:57
Had breakfast at. O'Reilly's today - very good breakfast and friendly Scottish lass serving. In Delirium now sampling some beers. Currently on a lovely dry IPA with a 10%ABV kick.

09-12-2012, 22:40
Currently on a lovely dry IPA with a 10%ABV kick.
:shocked: Nice session beer then?

10-12-2012, 13:06
:shocked: Nice session beer then?


10-12-2012, 16:35
Go on a coach trip. If you end up In Bruges, look out for Voldemort, Mad-Eye and Fleur.