View Full Version : I need a new ISP

Joe 90
05-03-2013, 19:49
Last week my ISP (Be broadband) told me that they've sold themselves to Sky :'(

So, I need someone new. My line's only good for about 6mb so I can't get too much speed, but do like still being on an unlimited connection. And it costs £14 which is nice.

Does anybody have any recommendations?
I just started going down the top 10 on here; http://www.ispreview.co.uk/review/top10.php

Currently XILO look good, but another checker told me my line is an LLU which XILO charge £40 to transfer :/

Also, it could do with being unlimited still because by the looks of it my router has been connected 13 days and I've received 73gb. I <3 streaming services.

05-03-2013, 23:23
Same boat here, joined 2 months ago to get away from Sky :\

No chance of Fibre your way? :(

Joe 90
06-03-2013, 20:18
Oh that sucks!

I don't know if you can find road-maps for planned rollout of fibre, but at the moment all I can get is 6mb through copper :'(

I wish Virgin would come and lay some cable so we could ditch Sky TV & get their full package.

06-03-2013, 20:25
There is a website which shows if exchanges are in line for fibre rollout.

07-03-2013, 22:48
I noticed this in the news, not particularly excited about being moved to Sky I must say. Virgin is half tempting but I know people locally with it who have an awful time with them for certain things like gaming.

BT seem to have rather helpfully enabled pretty much every exchange in Southampton for FTTC except the central Shirley one which i'm connected to which doesn't even have predicted quarter yet, so that's not an option.

Might just have to see how Sky is and lump it for a while :/

08-03-2013, 00:05
I wish Virgin would come and lay some cable...


Divine - Sky are utter bollocks unfortunately. The customer service is even worse :(

08-03-2013, 17:54
I was already jumping from O2 to Plusnet before I found out they were selling out to Sky. Glad I did because I don't like Sky :D

Joe 90
09-03-2013, 12:06
I've just checked and my exchange is 'accepting orders' but when I see the 'predicted speeds' its still saying 6mb.

I don't like this 'fibre will reach your area soon'. When is soon!?

Plusnet look good though, unlimited fibre for £20 + line rental sounds ideal once I can get it!

11-03-2013, 12:20
Plusnet were good before they started traffic-shaping the hell out of everything. Thankfully it looks at least on the surface that they've abandoned all that nonsense now. I hope it's true, for all your sakes!

As for Virgin, the grass isn't greener on the other side. When it works, it works. When it doesn't, their CS seem to be as bad as Sky's (I've had the misfortune to use both), though at least once you're past the front line, Virgin don't charge to fix faults!

11-03-2013, 14:55
Plusnet have two tiers, I believe the lower one is limited and shaped, the higher one unlimited and not shaped at all.

11-03-2013, 15:51
We're on Sky (cheap and it shows) - just changed to FTTC and throughput is higher, pingtest is lower, but you can still tell it's busy.





12-03-2013, 14:52
I always avoided Sky because I thought that 'they're a satellite tv company, their broadband will be crap' but for various reasons I decided to give them a try a couple of years ago and they've been fantastic. Cheap, genuinely unlimited and absolutely no throttling. I'd recommend them to anyone.