View Full Version : Non Fibre broadband

21-04-2013, 11:16
I'm currently renting a place through work that isn't fibre enabled. I'm a bit out of touch with non fibre choices. Previously I would just go with BE but their latest prices and being bought out by sky is not worth it.

BT Line £10.75 + Sky unlimited = £20.75 /month

TitanADSL is an option but I remember Entanet sellers becoming rubbish
Talktalk - barely even works in the evening (landlord has it)
Plusnet - Fibre seems alright, but what about adsl?
BT - Throttle back to the stoneage, forget it.

I think the SKY LLU is the way to go. Anyone else got any ideas? Not really after spending a lot on the internet here.

21-04-2013, 11:56
Never had and problems with Plusnet before I went FTTC.

21-04-2013, 12:47
Thanks, half price broadband as well making it £5 broadband and £14 phone.

Always nervous about going bargain basement as I stream sky go and Lovefilm. Could be ok though as £10 seems to be the going rate.

21-04-2013, 14:43
PlusNet had a few very bad patches including throttling the heck out of even their premium customers (like me), though most of that was due to treating encrypted remote access (SSH) as encrypted P2P, and killing it, which is why I left and went to BE.

That said I'm now on Virgin who, round here anyway, seem to throttle the heck out of everyone.

Sky LLU seems like a reasonable call, with TalkTalk at the other end (to be avoided like the plague).

PlusNet make no attempt to hide the fact that they do traffic shaping, so if you want to do P2P/Usenet, stay well away from them, or expect to pay more to get a better service. If you don't, then they're likely to be a decent call.

24-04-2013, 22:32
I do usenet and have no troubles on plusnet fibre.

26-04-2013, 13:28
Same here, plusnet have been fine with no throttling.

27-04-2013, 13:04
Thanks lads but isn't the fibre provided off the back of BT's network rather than using their own?

27-04-2013, 13:48
PlusNet are owned by BT. Fortunately, the management plans put in place in 2007 when this happened have remained, and there doesn't seem to be much desire for BT to meddle.

So yes, it's BT's network, but they have the means to make that work for them. I just pray that what happened to BE never happens to them.