View Full Version : My Food Love-Passion Heston Moomintroll

12-11-2013, 18:33
I heart this man in all wonder and joy! Not only is he a chemical genius when it comes to food I just imagine eating his delights (fnar fnar) makes you feel like your a big kid again!

A question for the peoples though... has anyone visited either of his restaurants?! May I ask your thoughts?! We'd love to go but right now do not have the wonga and have heard mixed reviews but I'm wondering whether it's because some people who have visited don't... "get"... him. As in we're guessing it's more of an experience than culinary magnificence?

At the end of the day, is his nosh worth the dosh?

Oh and as a PS: I thought I would HIGHLY recommend a couple of his delights to you: His christmas pud (hidden orange) and also his puff pastry mince pies. Top dollar I tell you!

12-11-2013, 21:28
I'm probably the closest to them both, but no, I haven't. Not even tempted by The Fat Duck - just not my thing, but the pub, maybe - if I could ever get there.

The Fat Duck had a food poisoning scare a few years ago - just goes to show that it can happen to anyone.

15-11-2013, 23:51
Never been to any kind of posh restaurant - just not my scene :(

Some of the cookery wizardry is total bonkers though - I can't deny that :)

18-11-2013, 15:56
I have looked at the Fat Duck menu and probably wouldn't eat most of it (shellfish and eggs) so wouldn't go there.

However, I really enjoyed our trip to Claridges. :)

BB x

26-11-2013, 11:40
Psy, you will have to come feast at The Stinky Bikers house! We will give you a fine dining experience along with fun games! (Aside note, fancy bl2 gaming this week)

Mei what did you have at claridges?! :))

Mark I had no idea!

Hmm I'm thinking I'm going to have to go give it a tinker!

26-11-2013, 12:20
Sounds like a plan! (on both fronts! :D)