View Full Version : Advice needed for new camera

09-12-2013, 09:49
Yes I'm being utterly lazy and just copying this from my fb status but the facts are all the same :p

Plea for help from digital camera peoples!!!

My camera (fuji finepix F31fd) has died (camera taking a photo of a camera, now only sees white. Assuming the red lazer light from other camera burnt out a sensor).

I loved this camera. It did everything I wanted it to including all of the scenic pre-sets. And it was solid - it has been rained on, dropped, kicked across a mosh pit and it is still in one piece. (amazon site with a list of specs: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fujifilm-FinePix-F31fd-Digital-Camera/dp/B000L9SCIW)

I admit I have been talking about getting a new camera for a few years - as much as I loved this one, it was getting slow in turning on and taking the photos. Thing was when I looked I couldn't find anything good enough to replace it with so I just kept using it.

Now I have no choice so I might as well look at an upgrade. Absolute max spend is £200.
I really hate the thought of not having a camera over Jingly but the sensible bit of my brain is saying get suggestions now and then search the January sales.

Edit: I've had the lumix lx7 recommended - any thoughts or ideas or other suggestions?
Edit2: seems like the lx7 is quite a deal bigger than the F31fd

09-12-2013, 18:21
I will have a chat with a friend I met travelling who had an AMAZING digital camera which they took everywhere.

I have the Olympus TG1 and as indestructible it is (survived EVERYTHING on our rtw trip so 55 degrees heat, minus 20 degrees heat, snow, rain, sand etc etc), the panoramic photos were shoddy! It was like you had fallen off the end of the Earth! And the videos! Didn't have a clue what to focus on!

But as said my friend had a goodun... will ask him! :D

09-12-2013, 18:41
Cheers for that Pheebs :)

09-12-2013, 21:07
I find Digital cams are a really personal preference. If I was you, I'd go to a store, have a feel of them, choose a short list then go about the reviews. The Lumix range is pretty good I believe, I think Lynnie has one! I have a Canon of some description that I bought in the Black Friday sales, I bet they come right down in price about a week before Christmas :)