View Full Version : My first accident!

01-11-2006, 08:15
Driving to work this morning and a big f*** off artic lorry decides it's going to come into the outside lane. Where I am. :shocked: He caught my passenger side wing with the back 2 foot of his trailer, ripping my bumper off.

Despite the frantic flashing of lights and liberal use of the horn he didn't see me. I limped to the next layby (having managed to get his reg number) and cable tied my bumper on.:angry:

Now I've got to go down the cop shop to report it properly as they can't do it over the phone. Bang goes my lunch hour.:angry:

01-11-2006, 08:36
:( As long as you're ok dude.

01-11-2006, 08:52
I'm fine, I stopped shaking after about an hour. Damn adrenalin. :D

01-11-2006, 10:14

Glad you're ok though!

01-11-2006, 10:20
Ack :(
Glad you're ok though.

01-11-2006, 10:44
Jees', that must have been well scary - as the others have said, at least you weren't hurt.

Stan :)

01-11-2006, 11:24
Glad you're OK and good work in getting his registration, hope the bastard gets what he deserves for a hit and run.

01-11-2006, 13:04
Glad to hear your okay mate, can't believe the lorry driver could be so ignorant to not see you in the first place, then not even notice he'd hit you. People like that deserve a beating.

01-11-2006, 13:20
Good to hear that you are alright mate. Having worked with the VOSA lot I now know just how many of those drivers are dodgy. There is a _hell_ of a lot of them that drive for too long without enough breaks, some are even asleep at the wheel at the motorway.

Sounds crazy, but I went out with them in the stopper car, and we found two buggers 3/4 asleep on the M6 alone! Thats meant to be a normal morning for them. For that reason I now boot it past lorries, if I can't get by them then I sit right back and then shoot past when I get chance.

01-11-2006, 14:21
The main thing is that you're ok. It doesn't sound like there is TOO much damage. However I see things like that all the time. I know there are som really good HGV drivers around, but most are aggressive arrogant twats.

Hope that you get the matter resolved without too much issue and I hope they do something about it. I'm always very very weary about overtaking lorries - I tend to drop it down as many gears as possible and go past as quickly as possible...

01-11-2006, 16:40
Just got back from the OB emporium. The very nice civvy bloke behind the counter was a pleasure to deal with and apparently he sent some paperwork to the registered owner first thing this morning. Cop for than Mr Haulage Company. The vehicle has current insurance \o/

<ED209 voice> You have 28 days to comply</ED209 voice>

But how's this for a having things arse about face? I've got 7 days to produce my MOT and insurance docs :(

My insurance company don't want to know as I'm only TPFT. Not sure if that's good or bad :/

Dr. Z
01-11-2006, 17:07
Not sure if that's good or bad :/


You should NEVER, EVER claim for an accident that wasnt your fault through your own insurance company. Tell them its happened but refuse to let them handle your claim.

01-11-2006, 17:18
*phew smiley*

01-11-2006, 18:41
good to hear your ok mate

make sure you claim he did the damage he/they should pay

02-11-2006, 15:19
What the **** is wrong with some lorry drivers, do they drive with their feet or something? I was cut up before but managed to slam my brakes on in time to get out of his path of destruction. This one sounds like an even bigger tit.

Glad you're ok though and managed to get the penis' registration plate.