View Full Version : Something you may not have known about SPECS cameras.

04-11-2006, 09:34
Here's an interesting fact I was told from a friend who's a traffic plod yesterday.

When the SPECS cameras were introduced, they were rushed through whatever kind of approval system they have to go through.

As a result, they're only allowed to monitor one lane of traffic, no more. So if you're driving along a stretch of road with them on, make sure you alternate lanes as you go past the cameras making special care to be in different lanes for the first and last one.

That way, no matter what speed you're doing, you can't be nicked. Not that I'd advocate speeding but we all tend to drift over from time to time.

04-11-2006, 11:08
/makes a note.

04-11-2006, 11:28
I prefer driving towards them with my Single Digit proudly sticking up towards the camera as they flash me. Bikes have no front number plate. ;D
I couldn't believe it when i first realised and since then i do it on purpose, there must be loads of pics of some tall dude sitting blatantly upright giving the camera the bird.
Having killed my bike and having no car, pic cam inspectors are free of my abuse. For now anyway.

Great news i can now take the piss in a car aswell.
Weaving for the win. :cool:

04-11-2006, 12:12
I tend to ignore them on my bike anyway :embarassed:

However I had heard that before but I didn't realise that rumour was true...

So basically as long as you switch lane between each SPEC check point and end up in a different lane at the end of it you should be fine? I had heard that I didn't realise it was true! Awesome! :cool:

04-11-2006, 12:14
I tend to ignore them on my bike anyway :embarassed:

Just SPECS or all cameras? ;)

04-11-2006, 12:35
Kitten covered this a few weeks ago for work iirc. Home office admitted it and she explained how it worked in the story...

a-ha - found it :

http://www.askaprice.com/torque-article.asp?article=Lane_change_flaw_lets_speeders _beat_the_cameras&item=2279

04-11-2006, 12:41
Just SPECS or all cameras? ;)

No comment :p

04-11-2006, 13:08
Kitten covered this a few weeks ago for work iirc. Home office admitted it and she explained how it worked in the story...

a-ha - found it :

http://www.askaprice.com/torque-article.asp?article=Lane_change_flaw_lets_speeders _beat_the_cameras&item=2279


A major concern arising from the news of this loophole is the likelihood that it will encourage drivers to change lanes more often to lessen the chances of them being caught out, and in doing so increase the risk of accidents on our motorways.


We're not supposed to change lanes?

I guess all the members of CLOC (Centre Lane Owers Club) will rejoice *sigh*

04-11-2006, 14:25
I have to say that statistically the more you change langes the more chances you have of colliding with someone - it's just one of those things. When I did my IAM test they basically state that you should minimise your lane changes. It makes sense, you stay on the inside lane unless you're overtaking. The problem is that people don't check their blind spots enough - that's what causes the problems - if people start zigzagging around and everybody does it - it turns into a bit of a chaotic mess.

04-11-2006, 14:34
Exactly, you stay in the inside, then move out to overtake and back in again. But that's not minimising lane changes. That's more than most idiots do these days.

Myself and the boss drove to Guildford yesterday and we commented on the state of the road. Four lanes wide, there was a queue of traffic sitting on each others bumpers in lane 4, with 1,2 and 3 practically empty.

I was in lane 1.

04-11-2006, 19:10
No comment :p

Good lad ;)

04-11-2006, 22:18
I have to say that statistically the more you change langes the more chances you have of colliding with someone - it's just one of those things. When I did my IAM test they basically state that you should minimise your lane changes. It makes sense, you stay on the inside lane unless you're overtaking. The problem is that people don't check their blind spots enough - that's what causes the problems - if people start zigzagging around and everybody does it - it turns into a bit of a chaotic mess.

The problem is this all goes to pot when people don't exercise proper lane discipline. If everyone obeyed the "Stay in lane 1 unless actually overtaking" traffic flow would be superb on motorways. They've done all sorts of simulations on traffic flow and proved that the maximum throughput of a motorway is far higher than it every manages to get to in the real world; and alterations on the simulation all come to the same conclusion. Exercise proper discipline, and things go far better.

If we can only teach the CLOCers that it'd be grand.

When I drove up to Alton Towers for the meet earlier this year I got to the M25 and the hill.. who's name escapes me for the moment. 4 lanes. Anyway, three Lorries went shotgun up the hill, as ever, forcing all the cars into the 4th lane. For about a mile / mile and a half in front of them there were only the occasional car; and yet even when we were well past them, no one moved down a single lane; with the entire lane doing 55-60mph. After about 3 minutes of it I decided to sod it, dropped down two lanes for safety and then steamed past the entire queue until I reached people doing more sensible lane work.

07-11-2006, 01:40
People don't realise that there is a BMW lane on the motorway and a 'special BMW overtaking lane' that others call hard shoulder or something like that. Anyway, I wish peasants would stay in their proper lanes so I can wizz by unimpeded.

07-11-2006, 10:17
I'd forgotten about that lane.

I made a special trip into the garage yesterday, a friend was following me and told me that at one point in the journey my indicator came on and flashed for a while. I've had it checked and they've now glued the indicator stalk into place.

I'm also getting really good in car parks. I can now park with the white line smack bang aligned in the centre of the car with my wheels straddling it perfectly :)

07-11-2006, 15:41
I'd forgotten about that lane.

I'm also getting really good in car parks. I can now park with the white line smack bang aligned in the centre of the car with my wheels straddling it perfectly :)

I had the optional safety pack fitted, so I do have an indicator stalk now. As for white line straddling, I find there is more space in the disabled bay.

07-11-2006, 20:45
there must be loads of pics of some tall dude sitting blatantly upright giving the camera the bird.

...on Wanted posters all around the country!