View Full Version : Lost Season 2 DVDs

13-11-2006, 10:49
Strange question, I got really into the first series of LOST and watched them all in rapid download succession but couldn't stand the week wait between episodes on season 2 so I only saw the first couple.

Does anyone have the second series on DVD that I can please borrow to rush through over a few evenings? I'll return them as soon as I've watched them.

13-11-2006, 10:51
I'm planning to get them after christmas but I guess that's probably no good to you.

13-11-2006, 10:56
I was thinking of getting hold of the DVD's too as I missed a couple on TV and then couldn't catch up.

Feekles, I may end up "aquiring" the DVD's so if I do I'll give you a shout.

13-11-2006, 14:06
I think I have them in dvix format on DVD

13-11-2006, 14:09
Ooooh, cool :)
Is is the whole of Season 2? IF so I wouldn't mind a copy.

13-11-2006, 14:16
it should be the whole of season 2 yes, will need to find them but I wrote them all just after I got my divx dvd player

13-11-2006, 14:18
Coolio, I can watch them all in bed whilst Piggy reads a book or something :p

13-11-2006, 14:20
I'll try and dig them out and can let you know what I have and we can arrange around that what you might need :)

13-11-2006, 20:50

I'm in need of the lot to play catchuppypoos ;)

13-11-2006, 20:54
have a look on newzbin, you know my username and password


14-11-2006, 21:02
I did, but I don't any more, that was pre-pc rebuild so I managed to lose certain chatlogs.

However, I've found an 8.19Gb torrent of the lot and am downloading it now. Plenty of seeders but also plenty of leechers so it's going to take a while to get started but I'm hoping it'll race in.

15-11-2006, 10:37
i'll try and find my discs in the next day or so, but you might be interested to know that Sky One are compressing seasons 1 & 2 into a 1 hour episode so you might be better watching that.

15-11-2006, 10:55
The whole two series into 1 hour? :eek:

Checked this morning and the torrent is coming down nicely, I think it'll only take a day or so to get the whole thing down and I'll do catchup. Won't take long :)

15-11-2006, 11:08
ok cool, if you fancy passing them onto Jim when you are done that'll save me, I've only found 3 discs so far :(

Yes 2 seasons into 1 hour. To be honest not much has happened. The first episode of season 3 reveals more than the last 2 seasons have.

15-11-2006, 13:18
Yes 2 seasons into 1 hour. To be honest not much has happened. The first episode of season 3 reveals more than the last 2 seasons have.

I might try and catch this and then watch season 3...

Started watching season 1 and then got distracted by something or other :/

20-11-2006, 12:56
I gave up on the idea of the download and just did the 1 hour recap of series 1 and 2. It was enough for me to have an idea what happened in series 2 and so now I'm on 3.

20-11-2006, 12:59
My boss watched the catch up show and is fine, you really didn't have to watch both seasons, not very much happened.

24-11-2006, 05:16
Me and Janet have been watching series 2 over the last few nights. Just watched the series finale.

All I can say is WTF, WTF and WTF again. :confused:++