View Full Version : Online Spam filters

14-11-2006, 16:31
I am seriously considering starting to use one of these, I get maybe 2 emails a day that I want to read and around 20 spam, this has increased a lot recently as I seem to have got on a list somewhere which has filled my inbox with rubbish :angry:.

Who uses one and what do you think of it?


14-11-2006, 16:36
I use SpamPal, it's not quite as effective now that I've started managing spam on my mail router but it's pretty good.

14-11-2006, 16:38
Thanks, I was thinking more online than inline though, you know one of the ones which makes senders answer an authentication email before they get added the filter?


14-11-2006, 16:59
Oh right, don't know about that sort.

14-11-2006, 17:05
This sort of thing http://www.spamarrest.com/howitworks/


14-11-2006, 17:28
That looks pretty neat. It would just be a bore having to enter all the email addresses unless you could import your outlook email contacts to it. I guess automated reponses like confirmations can just be allowed through via the web interface. I might have to show that to a few people. Never had any experience with it. For $74 for 2 years it's a bargain too.

I use a mail server myself that I have complete control over and I get about 1 or 2 very mild spam emails through a week, if that.

14-11-2006, 18:50
That sort of thing is fine for personal email use. For commercial stuff (i.e. buying stuff online) it's a non-starter unless you know in advance where every email is coming from and can whitelist it.

Personally, I'd find that sort of authentication annoying and would only use it if I had to.

15-11-2006, 00:23
I'm just in the process of fiddling with new anti-spam solutions for my company's servers...using a variety of methods - pretty much everything except graylisting, infact, since I don't believe in the whole "reply to this e-mail" philosophy as it generates lots of traffic, confusion and annoyance imo. But everything else...is in there....bring it on, spammers :D

31-12-2006, 23:18
mild spam
