View Full Version : I knew I shouldn't have said anything....
15-11-2006, 00:00
The Are BMW's Crap in Motors on the other place.
I put an opinion up that I'd rather have a Yugo than a BMW....aaand apparently my opinion is wronger than a very wrong thing indeed.
First reply - points out that I drive a Renault Megane *and implys - so what do I know...*
I'd truly forgotten what a friendly place that is. :rolleyes: As I put in my last post in that thread. I really do feel as welcome as a turn in a sandwich there.
It's turned into a "Don't like BMW's? **** off" forum.
I can only think of one positive thing about BMW..they produced a supremely good 6.2l V12...15 years ago. Although - I was very pleasently surprised by their F1 team this year.
Thats the Motors URL added to my blocklist.
GAAAAH! It used to be nice there.
Then I started getting told to prove my mates collection of cars. Said that I didn't want to as it's HIS collection not mine so it's not really right for me to go splashing photo's everywhere.
Then I started getting abused by people I didn't know for my opinion on a F1 driver they didn't know or have worked with. *police investigation is still ongoing...death threats are fun... :rolleyes:*
I give up.....
I'm going to go and get a car that certain people on there will really object to as it's old *and as such only worthy for a scrapyard*,
Italian *will break down before I've even tried to start it*,
Not a mobile computer *how will I drive it in the winter?*,
Not a mobile armchair *whats the point if it's not comfortable*
and most importantly FUN! *who needs fun when you can have diesel economy and german build quality*
Hang on.........I did do that... :evil:
15-11-2006, 00:04
There is one good thing about BMW
They didn't put their name on this ;) :D
15-11-2006, 00:21
Were they that ashamed? ;) :p
*goes back to the naughty corner*
Fox gets a Mondeo, Mondeo fans everywhere.
Fox gets a BMW, BMW fans everywhere.
Can I see a pattern emerging here? ;)
As far as I'm concerned, a car gets me from A to B. So long as it's comfortable and doesn't break down in the process, then it'll do. Having said that, fast cars rock. 140mph (GPS verified) down the M4 :evil: :D
With Will Gill n'est-ce pas? What a nutter that man is! :D
Why isn't he here... :huh:
Yup, that be him. You're right, we really should invite him here. Family resemblance and all that stuff. :)
I've also had the pleasure of blasting down an Autobahn, being driven by a German. :eek:
Oh, and a certain JCW Mini doesn't fare too badly either. Love that engine whine. :)
Fox gets a Mondeo, Mondeo fans everywhere.
Fox gets a BMW, BMW fans everywhere.
Can I see a pattern emerging here? ;)
IRC is the same. The channel has turned into a BMW garage. I personally don't really like the car. Its bland, normal, kinda dull. It has no spark. Its so clinical. Mathematically precise with no soul. Of course I can't say anything because I drive a Corsa. I also can't say anything in the channel about the recent conversion to a beemer garage because I just know they'll have a go at me for all the stupid camera chats we have. Thing is, I'm not into photography for the kit. I'm in it for the lifestyle, for the drama, for the ability to see the world in different ways. But of course I can't say anything on IRC because I'm out numbered by bloody BMW fanboys with more E numbers than a bag of skittles! :angry:
That IRC channel is just an extension of Motors most of the time anyway. One reason I don't bother going there (my Q account has expired - again - kinda proves the point).
Over the past few months its been ok, while a certain person hasn't been there ;) But when they appear boom its a beemer garage :(
15-11-2006, 09:03
People are exceptionally proud and protective of the cars they buy not least because they can cost a hell of a lot of money.
A lot of people can't joke about their cars; many think they drive the fastest/ best handling/ best looking thing on the road because it is theirs. You have been in a the uneviable position of driving a lot of great cars and this probably makes you a better judge of cars ability and handling than any one of us here which is cool, but, what it won't do is change peoples minds about their own personal tastes and choices. Its like walking into someones house and telling them the place they spent years decorating is tasteless and rubbish, they won't take your opinion seriously.
Fox has spent years in motors constantly pimping Ford and now BMW hes so prevalent hes almost like subliminal messaging and yes a lot of people do agree with what he says but he also NEVER EVER says anything really contraversial. Mondeos are cheap and OK = Yes Fox, BMWs can be had at a low price, run forever and handle well = Yes Fox. These are givens because they run alongside most peoples existing thoughts (even if its just from adverts).
I love my car (you may have noticed) you don't like it, you've made that very clear and thats your progative but maybe you need to respect that I spent a lot of money on it and drove some other cars before I decided on it and thought it was the best, rather than just dismissing it. I think because of the points I outlined above I'm probably very touchy about people being rude about my choice.
Theres proabably more of an OcUK attitude in this sub forum than any of the others because if you disagree with my choice of politics or what to have for dinner or what TV series is good we can discuss it and if you argue your point well maybe you can change my views, its a damn site harder and more expensive for me to change my car ;)
I like your car, Matt.
On the flip side, my diesel focus is going in today to hopefully have the electrical fault and the turbo problem sorted out and then I'll be back in there. I'll be so glad to see the back of the BMW that I've been driving for the last month that it's untrue. I just want to get back in my own car, I prefer my rattling old oil burner to the 525i.
People here can't believe it. There are two people in my office who won't hear a word said against BMWs, they both own 3-series (one's 7 years old, one's 5 years old) and they call them TUDM because their's nothing better in existance. These guys simply can't understand why I don't like a BMW.
It's personal taste, nothing more.
But they're so caught up on the "The Ultimate Driving Machine" thang that they can't accept anything else.
Strangely enough, they're the most shallow and easily led people in the office.
IRC is the same. The channel has turned into a BMW garage. I personally don't really like the car. Its bland, normal, kinda dull. It has no spark. Its so clinical. Mathematically precise with no soul. Of course I can't say anything because I drive a Corsa. I also can't say anything in the channel about the recent conversion to a beemer garage because I just know they'll have a go at me for all the stupid camera chats we have. Thing is, I'm not into photography for the kit. I'm in it for the lifestyle, for the drama, for the ability to see the world in different ways. But of course I can't say anything on IRC because I'm out numbered by bloody BMW fanboys with more E numbers than a bag of skittles! :angry:
You got it and I agree with you - though I wouldn't mind a more quirky BMW like an M3 or the E39 M5 that TomO has (which is lovely) or a convertible one something a little different - though generally I'd keep away from BMW and very clear of Mercs. You should be able to have an opinion on any car in spite of what you drive. Of course it seldom works out that way :/
15-11-2006, 09:17
IRC is the same. The channel has turned into a BMW garage. I personally don't really like the car. Its bland, normal, kinda dull. It has no spark. Its so clinical. Mathematically precise with no soul. Of course I can't say anything because I drive a Corsa. I also can't say anything in the channel about the recent conversion to a beemer garage because I just know they'll have a go at me for all the stupid camera chats we have. Thing is, I'm not into photography for the kit. I'm in it for the lifestyle, for the drama, for the ability to see the world in different ways. But of course I can't say anything on IRC because I'm out numbered by bloody BMW fanboys with more E numbers than a bag of skittles! :angry:
E numbers do my head in. WHY cant they call them by their model names? its a 530i or a 330ci.
I will tell you why, its a superiority complex. They talk in codes.
nothing wrong with stupid camera chats ;)
15-11-2006, 09:20
Never been a fan of BMW, I've always disliked them and the stereotype of the people that drive them (notice that word stereotype thats important).
Jamie and Sinead have a BMW and its comfortable and nice, they don't harp on about it and they don't tell me I should chop in my car and buy a BMW because to them its a car not a lifestyle choice, they are not the sterotype I mentioned before.
What we must remember when we consider what happens 'over there' is that there are many members who are not old enough to drive, who have never been in a nice car and are easily swayed by expensive things and assume they are the best, rather than develop a sense of individuality. Of course they will agree with Fox, hes an Underboss and he states only what is considered to be common knowledge, its much easier to agree than to have, god forbid, an opinion! This isn't an attack on Fox, its an observation of the mentality of many others who read/ post in motors :)
Over the past few months its been ok, while a certain person hasn't been there ;) But when they appear boom its a beemer garage :(
That's a pity :( I've had some good conversations with fox about non car related things, but I'll admit the car theme does put me off irc otherwise I'd be in there more often.
15-11-2006, 10:57
My Post = Cat & Pigeons ;D
All you get over there are wannabee M5 owners. All lesser BMW's are rubbish. New BMW's are made of monkey metal and will fall apart within no time at all.
Black mans wheels are what we have called them since the beginning of time.
Nothing wrong with black men of course but BMW's just mean to me South side wannabee gangsters in 300 pound scrap Beeemaas ;D
Having owned a few i know them to be thirsty and slow and bloody expensive to repair even when doing it yourself. Parts are a Rip.
Scrap them all i say and the people that own them :evil:
What we must remember when we consider what happens 'over there' is that there are many members who are not old enough to drive, who have never been in a nice car and are easily swayed by expensive things and assume they are the best, rather than develop a sense of individuality. Of course they will agree with Fox, hes an Underboss and he states only what is considered to be common knowledge, its much easier to agree than to have, god forbid, an opinion! This isn't an attack on Fox, its an observation of the mentality of many others who read/ post in motors :)
A very accurate assessment.
15-11-2006, 13:44
My Post = Cat & Pigeons ;D
I hope mine is a bit like that ;) Bunch of FANBOYS, I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!
right, finally gone throuh this WHOLE thread...
While I think the title of this thread was emotive and possibly leading somewhere to trollsville, there has been some waffle in this thread!
I dont particularly like BMWs, from the esthetics and style, to the 'driving experience'.
Yes I have driven quite a few examples of them, before any one asks. I dont want to WEE on anyones parade here.... BUT, at the point were the BMW becomes greater than its rival, is when the driver is possibly going faster than the speed limit? I just DO NOT believe the BMW is a better car than the equivalent Audi for just normal driving. I personally think, if someone believes that, its just fanboyism.
I would never personally own a BMW, I have never liked the look of them. Yes, to judge a car on looks alone is not enough, thats why I have tested a few... but take this analogy (with a small pinch of salt as I am making it up as I go along!)
You may find a woman who has a fantastic personality, but looks like John Merrick. Would you date her in public? (I know it was a bit rubbish)
I just scanned the thread and I'm fairly sure it sounds like a Mac fanboy thread but with BMW's. I have 3 Mac's and I will praise them if I think they're good but I have seen how bad things can get and that thread smacks of fanboyism. Fox actually said that Le Hoff should drive one so he can appreciate the better quality plastic interior over his Mazda. Seriously, wtf?! I thought it was about the driving experience, not the high quality plastic.
I drive my Corsa and I enjoy it, its better than my old Corsa and my old old Fiesta. Gets me from A to B and thats all its for at the moment. My next car is hopefully going to be a FTO because it sounds fantastic, looks great and seems to have a nice character.
Indeed. Fox is OK in person, but he's the ultimate car fanboy online - first with Mondeo, now with BMW. :(
I like going on there and mentioning my Corsa once in a while just to p 'em off. :)
15-11-2006, 17:22
I like going on there and mentioning my Corsa once in a while just to p 'em off. :)
but corsas are rubbish hateful, hateful cars!!!! ;)
but corsas are rubbish hateful, hateful cars!!!! ;)
They steal from the little blind orphans and push old ladies into puddles!
15-11-2006, 17:25
They steal from the little blind orphans and push old ladies into puddles!
WORSE than that,
The steal blind orphan old ladies, and push them with children into puddles
Goddamn them all to hell!
Indeed. Fox is OK in person, but he's the ultimate car fanboy online - first with Mondeo, now with BMW. :(
I never bought into the whole Mondeo crap...I mean, WTF ? It's a Ford Mondeo.........
I can't even bring myself to post an opinion in that thread as I know I will get a "but you drive a ..." response. I have to admit that Fox's attitude online really gets my back up as he's so narrow minded. Anything out of the ordinary or less than best value all rounder is alien in concept to him. I'm sure he is very nice in real life and I'm almost certain to meet him on one of the SW motors meets so until then I'll avoid online contact.
What's been said about Motors is true and I have found myself spending less time in there than I used to. Replies from me are normally just tech help these days.
I thought he was a bit of a knob in RL as well really :shrug:
Not a full grown complete and utter knob, just a bit ;)
15-11-2006, 21:08
I thought he was a bit of a knob in RL as well really :shrug:
Not a full grown complete and utter knob, just a bit ;)
Yet to meet him.
Really don't want to..
And he's not a full grown complete and utter knob...because he isn't full grown yet? ;)
He seemed ok irl. Manages to leave the internet at home :)
Come on guys, let's try not to get into character assassination. Some of us are friends with him and it'll make uncomfortable reading for them. Not exactly fair on Fox either.
Wasn't intentionally being assassinating, Jen, more a throw away comment - Sorry :)
Np :) just didn't want to see it go further, it was making me uncomfortable even though I see your points of view :embarassed:
15-11-2006, 21:58
Yeah, time to drop this one, my feelings are more based on the horrible clique that is OcUK motors not direct negative comments on Fox direct insults to other people are not required, unless they are Spie ;)
I can see how it comes across from reading your views but I do think that the way he intends his posts is entirely different to how people actually read his posts.
MB, you did your research and you went out looking and made a choice on some factors that you cared about that the mini was the car for you. Since then, damn near every thread you have posted in here has been about the mini. Your sig is about it and you are immensely proud of the fact you have that car. In that respect, are you any different to anyone else that is proud about their cars?
If you believe something to be the best, why not tell people when they ask?
To get a better angle on this:
BOSE. Its the audio equivalent of how I see the Vauxhall Corsa. Totally crap, yet many people believe them to be very good.
Someone said he was narrow minded. Why do you think that? Do you think one day he decided his Xantia wasnt up to the job and banged on and on about Mondeos until he talked himself into buying one or do you think he spent ages researching them etc until he found it was the car for him - and then spending another 6 months or so finding the perfect one?
What about the transition from that to the BMW? Do you realise that he considered and test-drove a ridiculous number of cars including R33 Skylines and the car he truly wants, a Subaru Impreza?
There is an awful lot more to Mike than he posts in motors - the only reason he doesnt post more about stuff like that is fairly simple - its nobody's business!
E numbers do my head in. WHY cant they call them by their model names? its a 530i or a 330ci.
I will tell you why, its a superiority complex. They talk in codes.
nothing wrong with stupid camera chats ;)
Yeah, seperating models in the same way as anyone else talks about anything in terms of models, eg processors being called thoroughbreads or bartons or whatever is being TOTALLY elitist / having a superiority complex.
If you want a reason to have a go at him, at least find a real reason!
15-11-2006, 22:56
MB, you did your research and you went out looking and made a choice on some factors that you cared about that the mini was the car for you. Since then, damn near every thread you have posted in here has been about the mini. Your sig is about it and you are immensely proud of the fact you have that car. In that respect, are you any different to anyone else that is proud about their cars?
Not sure what your point is here Martin, my original post was a response to Flibster and was in essence more in support of Fox than against him.
I have no interest in cars apart from my own, I think the MINI is fun and quirky so I post stuff about it in here, no one has asked me not to yet, I'm sure they will soon but until that time you'll see the odd thread about it.
In answer to your last point I'm no different whatsoever, in fact where I state that I am defensive about my car I am saying exactly that :/
I know Fox is your mate, I was trying to put an interpretation on what happens on OcUK not attack Fox, he has an overbearing posting style and posts a hell of a lot and has a certain amount of respect because of his UB status which leads people to follow his lead, that isn't his fault.
I've asked people not to make direct attacks on others whether thats people who post here or not I stand by that.
Matt, you're welcome to post about MINI - so long as I get offered more rides in it. :evil: :D :p (joking)
And as for your stance on personal attacks, by 'others' you obviously mean members of other forums of which members here are members there (one obvious forum in particularly). I agree totally with that stance.
Not sure what your point is here Martin, my original post was a response to Flibster and was in essence more in support of Fox than against him.
I have no interest in cars apart from my own, I think the MINI is fun and quirky so I post stuff about it in here, no one has asked me not to yet, I'm sure they will soon but until that time you'll see the odd thread about it.
In answer to your last point I'm no different whatsoever, in fact where I state that I am defensive about my car I am saying exactly that :/
I know Fox is your mate, I was trying to put an interpretation on what happens on OcUK not attack Fox, he has an overbearing posting style and posts a hell of a lot and has a certain amount of respect because of his UB status which leads people to follow his lead, that isn't his fault.
I've asked people not to make direct attacks on others whether thats people who post here or not I stand by that.
Although it reads like me eating into your posts, thats not what I intended. It was more an illustration of how perceptions can become twisted. Apologies.
15-11-2006, 23:05
Yeah, seperating models in the same way as anyone else talks about anything in terms of models, eg processors being called thoroughbreads or bartons or whatever is being TOTALLY elitist / having a superiority complex.
If you want a reason to have a go at him, at least find a real reason!
Hey mate, I was not having a go at him specifically, I was having a go at ALL of them... just showing my BMW ignorance, nothing more.
Its probably the same with processors, I dont know, I am not geeky enough ;)
15-11-2006, 23:16
Although it reads like me eating into your posts, thats not what I intended. It was more an illustration of how perceptions can become twisted. Apologies.
No problem :)
Look at the arse on that!
15-11-2006, 23:20
Its fat and looks like it has a nappy on :D
nice car btw
It's dirty and I like 'em mucky.
15-11-2006, 23:29
Its a MINI Moon :D
15-11-2006, 23:31
Its a MINI Moon :D
That's no moon...
/Obi Wan
It's dirty and I like 'em mucky.
</nothing at all to add post>
I can see how it comes across from reading your views but I do think that the way he intends his posts is entirely different to how people actually read his posts.
MB, you did your research and you went out looking and made a choice on some factors that you cared about that the mini was the car for you. Since then, damn near every thread you have posted in here has been about the mini. Your sig is about it and you are immensely proud of the fact you have that car. In that respect, are you any different to anyone else that is proud about their cars?
If you believe something to be the best, why not tell people when they ask?
To get a better angle on this:
BOSE. Its the audio equivalent of how I see the Vauxhall Corsa. Totally crap, yet many people believe them to be very good.
Someone said he was narrow minded. Why do you think that? Do you think one day he decided his Xantia wasnt up to the job and banged on and on about Mondeos until he talked himself into buying one or do you think he spent ages researching them etc until he found it was the car for him - and then spending another 6 months or so finding the perfect one?
What about the transition from that to the BMW? Do you realise that he considered and test-drove a ridiculous number of cars including R33 Skylines and the car he truly wants, a Subaru Impreza?
There is an awful lot more to Mike than he posts in motors - the only reason he doesnt post more about stuff like that is fairly simple - its nobody's business!
I certainly don't believe Corsa's are the best car in the world, but since I've only ever driven a Fiesta and a Corsa they're good cars imho. I don't find them uncomfortable, even over long journeys and I'm not a small guy. I have nothing else to compare them to. At least I know that I can only buy a better car :D Its like people who say the kit lens is a good lens. Strictly speaking its not, but to some it is and it can produce a decent picture. I do appreciate that people in the know probably know what they're talking about, but at the same time they become out of touch with general people. Its like recommending a 50'' TV to your parents because you know its amazing but they just want something to watch the Bill on.
I see a lot of myself in Fox, I don't know if its true or not. He knows his stuff, speaks his mind, but I think the way he does it comes across badly to others. I've been there many a time during my web development years. Knowing what's right and telling people what's right are two different things. I've had so many arguments over computers and browsers and crap, simply because I was too strong. I didn't stop to think that in my friends cases maybe they were right. I argued based on fact rather than reality. In reality if someone doesn't get spyware, viruses, or anything then maybe IE is ok to use. The fact is that its not as good as Firefox or Opera and constantly telling people and arguing with them makes you look like a bad guy rather than someone trying to help. I don't know if I'm right or wrong on this but its how I see Fox sometimes and I know its not how he should be coming across. I've learnt a lot from photography and calmed down over the past couple of years. I've learnt more about respecting others opinions and to simply state your side and then its best to leave it. Constantly berating people isn't a good thing, no matter how in the right your are or how much information you have. I do slip up from time to time, as some may have seen in the Tourchwood thread :) Its very easy to with the Web. Its just text, no emotion or heat of confrontation. You can keep hammering at people till well till you want. I don't read motors enough, but from chatting on IRC it does feel a little familiar.
However, he is different in real life and was a nice enough guy at Swansea last year. Hell, he even signals in his BMW ;)
I've just read that thread.
*bangs head on desk*
Jesus H. Gob-dancing Christ!
(Goes back to loving his Rover diesel)
16-11-2006, 15:15
I am going to trust DRZ after reading his long post and give Fox a break on this one.
I don't know the dude at all but he just seems like a young somewhat over enthusiastic chap about whatever car he actually owns.
If DRZ says he is an ok dude then he is an ok dude and i will ignore the way he comes across in his posts.
As for BMW i find it quite hard to understand young dudes being so passionate about what is actually a German 4 door family car. One of the M series Yes or one of those trick 2 door Coupe's (not the little Gay one) they do but not a family car ffs.
O well though each to there own.
I will add it's nice to pop over to BD and get second opinions that i value.
How Kin Cool are we anyway ;D
How Kin Cool are we anyway ;D
Way cool Malc, way cool. :)
I've spoken to Fox a fair on MSN, albeit quite a while ago. He's a nice enough guy as far as I'm concerned although I can also understand how he gets peoples backs up forums.
As for the BMW stuff, I used to be a hater too. I don't know why, but I just never liked the "stereotype". But when we were looking for a car the 5 series just seemed to fit the bill and I'm really glad we bought one. I'm glad that I could put my views to the side and judge the car for what it was and not what I thought the driver might be like ;)
It's totally changed my opinion on LOTS of stereotypes.
I get so much stick for driving a BMW and I get fed up with it TBH as its totally not justified. I happen to love driving my car and it gets me from A to B with ease. I am not a total fanboy, but I went out and bough a newer Alfa Romeo, but couldn't bring myself to replace my bimmer so sold the Alfa to my brother.
My BMW is 10 years old now and runs as sweet as a nut. Yes parts are expensive, but so are Porsche, Merc and Fiat parts. I see a greater percentage of tossers driving around in Fords than BMWs so does that mean that the reason people pick on BMW drivers is because they are jealous themselves?
The other thing that hacks me off is the idiots that slate BMW because they see everyone else doing it. I mean FFS, get an opinion of your own! "Im so uncool, I know I'll look like the rest of the crowd and slag off BMW, then everyone will like me and accept me for the idiot I am"
As for Fox.... well, the guy replies with an extremely abrupt and condecending remark in one of my posts over there and because somebody stood up for me at the time (I hadn't even replied by this point) he then accuses me of causing trouble by not wording my post correctly, even though there were more than a few who pointed out that if he had read the post correctly, he would have got the meaning. Anyway, he's done it more than once to me and was basically a condecending nob to me in Swansea last year so he can please himself, I won't be putting him on my Christmas card list or posting over there anytime soon.
There are a couple (I could name 2) of people that wee me off over there in the motors forum, and very many that plain ignore me as I'm female and therefore know nothing about cars. But that is going to be the case in any forum or community really so you kinda have to take it in your stride.
I'm sure MB knows I hate the MINI in general, but have a fairly valid reason having been in the Classic Mini scene for many years. Lots of people don't think I should drive a mk1 MR2 for numerous reasons. If we all respect that people have opinions and reasons then we would get a lot further in life!
Well, I hope that made sense. I guess I'm trying to say pretty much what MB was saying in one of his earlier posts, all us petrolheads love our cars and take things personally when other people don't share our opinions, when really they don't mean it as a personal attack.
I've set myself up for alot of things though as I seem to own the sort of cars that people either love or hate!
18-11-2006, 02:42
I'm female !
Well that's news to me. Good news though of course as it gives me someone else to Stalk :D
Just dawned on me how little notice i take of names sigs and all that other cobblers. Perhaps i should pull my head out my butt once in a while ;D
heh, someone else didn't realise that the other day too! Shows you haven't read Feeks birthday thread!
Shows you haven't read Feeks birthday thread!
I have ;)
Maybe he saw the pic and still thought I was a man :S
18-11-2006, 17:14
I don't want to be confused with the numpty jump on the train brigade.
I am totally indifferent to anyone elses car and am a little to long in the tooth to jump on any band wagon. I may injure myself jumping anyways.
My thoughts/opinions are these;
Good car but overpriced and overweight. Top marks like the M series are without doubt kin amazing motors. Standard ones are family saloon cars and should be seen as such. Certainly not the sort of car i would get passionate about.
On the other hand there top end coupe i would pull one off over any day of the week no matter how cold it was outside. Not the little gay z series ****ter the top mark coupe. There is a silver one down the road that gives me wood every time i see it.
As for the kind of people that own them WTF WTF WTF WTF.
All that crap is well over my head and i just don't get it. People are people to me and that is Not decided by what car they drive.
18-11-2006, 18:24
Just thought I would post over here, as I didnt want to be the one to break the news, that would be foxs job..
This afternoon at the Rolling Road day, he got a bit out of shape on a corner (possibly showing off a little but UNconfirmed) and placed the car neatly sideways into a ditch
As far as we know he is ok.
young driver, high power RWD car, I am sure thats something he ALWAYS recommends against! how ironic.
I sincerely hope he is ok
:shocked: Yeah hope he's ok. He does love that car and I hope its not going to be too much to fix. :(
Glad to hear he's OK. I feel sorry for him as he's saved and waited a very long time for that car. But boy oh boy is he going to get some stick over there. On many occasions he's TOLD people not to get high powered RWD cars.
Glad to hear he's OK. I feel sorry for him as he's saved and waited a very long time for that car. But boy oh boy is he going to get some stick over there. On many occasions he's TOLD people not to get high powered RWD cars.
Can we redefine OWNED now?:)
Conanius just told me :( He's going to get some serious flak over this which is not really going to be great.
However it is VERY ironic as he does tell people off about having powerful RWD cars and despite having traction control and stability control you can't beat physics. I hope he was trying to show off as it would mean there is a reason, but if he wasn't he needs to spend more time doing advanced driving and maybe a track day or two.
It's a shame though as he's spent so much time researching that car and getting it the way he wanted - it's not really something I'm going to geer about. It's crap :( I really hope it's not badly damaged - but I hope this will teach him a lesson about practicing what he preaches.
I'll be honest I'm not a fan of BMW drivers on the whole, .
Grrrrrr :'(
most of the motors folks are fine , one or two are a bit annoying
the whole forum is worth it just for Will Gill , what a legend ;D
I'll try harder not to sterotype in future :)
s'alright , I do all the time :p
worth it just for Will Gill , what a legend ;D
You're not wrong there. WG ROCKS!!! :D
18-11-2006, 20:52
;D :D :lipsrsealed:
Glad he's ok. Hopefully he'll learn from whatever mistake he's realised he's made. :)
Yeah, wouldn't wish that sort on anyone, hope he is OKeydokey.
Seems that he is. For anyone that wants to read...
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