View Full Version : Babylon 5: The Lost Tales

15-11-2006, 11:40
Lost Tales first DVD, titled 'Voices of the Dark' has now begun production. As usual, J. Michael Straczynski and Doug Netter will be running the show with Straczynski directing.

The characters, President John Sheridan (Boxleitner), Captain Elizabeth Lochley (Scoggins) and the technomage Galen (Woodward) are returning. The Lost Tales is an anthology series of sorts with two movies (previously three) per DVD starting in 2007. Straczynski has commented on Usenet that a more CG-intensive installment is coming in the next batch, featuring the character of Michael Garibaldi (Doyle)."

More found here (http://slashdot.org/articles/06/11/14/1637254.shtml) and here (http://www.aintitcool.com/node/30691?the_babylon_5_brdirecttodvd_movie_brstarted_ production_today)

15-11-2006, 11:51
Ooh. Nice. But so much for the boxset being the complete universe then. :p :)

15-11-2006, 13:22
Heard about this a few months back. I soooo cannot wait. Galen \o/ I hated that they cancelled Crusade. JMS always said that the Drack plague wasn't the real storyline. I'd have loved to have seen that pan out. I guess we'll find out something if Galen is in this and its set several years after B5. It could be mid way through the Crusade storyline. B5 in HD?! *dies*

I also managed to work in a nice nod to Andreas and Richard in the two mini-movies.



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Haha. I guess theres bad blood there.

15-11-2006, 13:53
Heard about this a few months back. I soooo cannot wait. Galen \o/ I hated that they cancelled Crusade. JMS always said that the Drack plague wasn't the real storyline. I'd have loved to have seen that pan out. I guess we'll find out something if Galen is in this and its set several years after B5. It could be mid way through the Crusade storyline.

Erm how can it be set after B5 and Sheridan be it in?? :huh:

15-11-2006, 13:59
Erm how can it be set after B5 and Sheridan be it in?? :huh:

I doubt its set after after B5. I think they mean its set after 2262, Season 5. They say several years after and Crusade is set around 2267 so it could be in the Crusade timeline which might make sense if Galen is in it.