View Full Version : Eeek I'm sad

08-07-2006, 18:38
My day off and it feels deserved. So what I do?
Erm.....build a couple of cheap DVD storage Units and then catalogue my collection online :/

I am now quite scared by how many DVDs I have though :D

08-07-2006, 19:32
I was sad enough to not only catalogue them, but then write a website to list them on.

08-07-2006, 19:37
Alright, you win :p

08-07-2006, 19:40

08-07-2006, 20:52

That looks like an interesting piece of software is it free?


08-07-2006, 21:02
If you have a Mac with iSight you HAVE to get this program, Delicious Library (http://www.delicious-monster.com/). Its so clever because it uses the iSight camera to scan the barcodes of your dvds, books, games, and cds! I'm not sure if you can export it to the web though. Thats a rather nice feature.

08-07-2006, 21:37
If you have a Mac

A what now?


08-07-2006, 21:55
That looks like an interesting piece of software is it free?

Yup. It's what I used for mine (in the sig), www.dvdprofiler.com

08-07-2006, 22:03
A what now?


A fake PC. A device where form > function.

I joke, I've been using my Mac since Monday when my PC went pop and apart from a few niggles, I really like it.

08-07-2006, 22:06



08-07-2006, 22:11
Hahahaha. Lemme send that link off to a couple of friends in California who work for Apple, they'll find it funny.

09-07-2006, 01:15
Cheers missy, In a few weeks when I rebuild my rig then I'll utilise that :)

09-07-2006, 01:40
Hahahaha. Lemme send that link off to a couple of friends in California who work for Apple, they'll find it funny.

Are they single women who like geeky Apple fanboys who live with their parents? Please say yes ;) Oh and they're not fake pc's! *grumbles*

09-07-2006, 08:49
Are they single women who like geeky Apple fanboys who live with their parents? Please say yes ;) Oh and they're not fake pc's! *grumbles*

A couple of them are single women, but I think the single women are lesbians so that might make it more of a challenge ;)

09-07-2006, 15:34
That looks like an interesting piece of software is it free?


Yup, and if you have a CueCat barcode reader all you have to do is scan the barcode off the back in and it fills in the details automatically, I tried it with some of the brother-in-laws obscure manga titles and it worked!

(I have a spare 'declawed' CueCat if anyone wants it)

09-07-2006, 15:48
Well I misread the subject field and am slightly disapointed ;)

But I used to use DVD Profiler, even paid for it. However when I started occasionally printing my own DVD covers I realised that many of them had the wrong barcode on and I got fed up with it.

09-07-2006, 17:27
Well I misread the subject field and am slightly disapointed ;)


09-07-2006, 20:40
I was sad enough to not only catalogue them, but then write a website to list them on.

I'm sad enough to be jealous! :embarassed:

09-07-2006, 20:57
I'm sad enough to be jealous! :embarassed:

Suddently I don't feel quite so sad ;)

I should say that the site I wrote is nowhere near as complex as the one Haly has in her sig. Maybe I'll dig out the database backup I have and put it back online again.

09-07-2006, 20:57
Just keep an eye out for decent sales, that's how I've made my collection when I haven't got that much money to spend.
Do also tend to get a DVD or two for birthdays/christmas as relatives don't know what else to get me and don't quite understand the concept of video games :p

09-07-2006, 21:51
Suddently I don't feel quite so sad ;)


I've got loads of DVD but my biggest problem is I tend to buy when I'm at work and forget which ones I already have. It's impossible to keep updating my list and mailing to work so an online version would be sooo handy! ;D

09-07-2006, 22:02
My DVD listing lives again - http://dvd.pauleagles.com/

I hate to think how out of date that information is. If I find some free time I'll try and bring it up to date.

08-08-2006, 20:27
Cheers missy, In a few weeks when I rebuild my rig then I'll utilise that :)
Well I finally got round to it (like the software, nice and simple to use :))

wot I got (http://www.intervocative.com/dvdcollection.aspx/dymetrie)

08-08-2006, 20:32
I can't be bothered with things like that - I have all our books and DVDs listed in excel - its enough to be able to keep track of them :embarassed:

08-08-2006, 20:55
Same. I have loads of VHS tapes in the same condition. Only good for the bin now though. :(

08-08-2006, 22:54
I can't be bothered with things like that - I have all our books and DVDs listed in excel

I did the samme until I kept forgetting to update my list at work and nearly bought copies of stuff I already had! :embarassed:

Now I pinched some server space of a friend and have a list there :)

09-08-2006, 07:35
I printed off the lists and stuck them in a folder with some blank sheets so I could write in any new additions.

A friends was meant to be giving me her palm and I was going to put the excel docs on there but I think shes forgotten