View Full Version : Prey

26-11-2006, 22:58
Well on the whole it killed some time, but I wasn't really impressed. I have had it lying around and I was bored this weeked so I installed it.

Its meant to have adaptive skill levels whereby if you kick ass too much its meant to get hard. It didn't really get that hard at all if i'm honest. The weapons were really unbalanced for example:-
Weakest guy with gun <- lob a grenade at from the nail gun in the face and he's fine.
Weakest guy with gun <- few shots with the weakest gun and he's down like a pansy

You are informed that you are 100 miles away from your goal....awww crap loads of stuff to kill. <budget cut> Hmmm, portal.... almost ontop of your goal :angry: In all I think it took about 8 hours ish to complete, thats with listening to all the audio feeds and admiring the pretty scenery outside.

I realise i'm giving this game a damning review but it really was annoying at times. However if you are after an introduction to portals and how you would game with them.... get this game. At first disoriantated along the lines of... whats up/down? where the hell am I now?

You can be walking along and then the ceiling becomes the floor, then the left wall becomes the floor.... then it flips and you get on a new floor. Holdon what was the original floor again?? *shrugs, carries on* :)

You have to keep your eyes peeled as there can be enemies on the ceiling walking normally. Once you get used to this it becomes more of a case of, I don't care if you are on the ceiling.... you're still gonna die :D

Admiral Huddy
27-11-2006, 13:24
i did consider this before I started playing CoH... but i wasn't inspired by the reviews to be honest. After Doom3, F.E.A.R, then Episode 1 in succession, I'm giving FPSs a rest for a while.. :)

27-11-2006, 14:25
I had this a while ago and it Peaked real early, like in the first hour of play then Dipped massively till i sold it on Never being played again.
The first time in the game is amazing and freaky with weird crap flying around your head freaking the bejesus out of you but after an hour i was bored.
Gutted really because initially it was amazing.

27-11-2006, 19:09
I liked the game for the most part but agree that it was a little too easy (only took me 10.5 hours and I'm a relative noob).

I liked the way that, when you got killed, you rejoined the game exactly where you were after doing the spirit world thing. For noobs like me, it's very frustrating when you keep getting sent back to the last save point when you get killed - sometimes it takes several attempts to get through some bits and F5ing every 10 seconds gets really annoying after a while.

As Matt said, it killed some time and kept me amused whilst doing nowt on the rig.

I'm bored now. I only took Prey, Painkiller and UT2004 with me. I've finished Prey and Painkiller (including Battle Out Of Hell) and am getting a little bored with UT2004 now. I hope we either get some work to do soon or get downmanned.

Stan :)

27-11-2006, 21:36
Prey is technically interesting.

Playing it isnt interesting.

Gone the dark side with Star Wars Empire at War and it's expansion. :D

Admiral Huddy
28-11-2006, 13:46
Play CoH.. much more interesting:)