View Full Version : Website user account help (one for iCraig I think)

29-11-2006, 15:16
For one of the websites I'm working on, they want a secure area of the website that you have to register for to see. I know creating secure areas on a website is simple using htaccess files, and they're happy enough with that to start with, but they're going to want a proper username/password system at some point, with automatic registrations, password retrieval, and possibly a user specific area where they can change their details and options.

Are there any off the shelf packages they could buy which I could install and modify for them, or would they need a proper web developer to make something for them?

29-11-2006, 15:34
It wouldn't be hard to do yourself mate, unfortunately I don't know of any off the shelf packages

Could try something like this (http://bitmeta.org/) or this (http://jellyhouse.net/userauth/) here (http://www.zend.com/zend/tut/tutorial-mehmet1.php), here (http://www.brainbell.com/tutors/php/php_mysql/TOC_Authentication_and_Security.html), this (http://www.zend.com/zend/tut/authentication.php) or this (http://www.devshed.com/c/a/PHP/Creating-a-Secure-PHP-Login-Script/)

29-11-2006, 16:20
Little bit of PHP love should sort them out - hard to find a package for such a thing since they're so tiny/custom :)