View Full Version : Novell problem

30-11-2006, 15:09
Any of you lot in here use Novell, we have a problem on a couple of our sites where (I believe) if a user doesnt log off properly the license stays listed on "imanager" under that date and doesnt get put back for someone else to use, so every bloody day im having to clear down the license files and remove all the ones without todays date on them.

Anyone come across this before or know of a solution or even a workaround.


30-11-2006, 15:10
Christ, casting my mind back now. What version are we talking?

30-11-2006, 15:15
Novell 6 server edition I think.

30-11-2006, 15:21
Sorry dude, never used it myself :(

30-11-2006, 15:24
Not a problem, Ive scoured the intarweb and can find nothing on it, just have to tell those tards to log out properly...or delegate a nice job for someone every morning :D

30-11-2006, 16:06
There should be a setting for either re-starting a disconnected session or a time out for an unplanned disconnection etc... Where exactly I can't remember as I've only get experience with version 4. It could be client based (if you use the novel client over the windows novell version).

30-11-2006, 19:59
Sheesh.... my brain is drawing blanks and its only been 6 months since I stopped supporting it on servers!
I have a good contact on MSN I'll bug when he's online.

Oh and for the record Novell Netware 6 rocks.


No joy I'm afraid dude.
no idea - our tree is education - unlimited user licence

30-11-2006, 21:43
My last Novell experience was a few years ago with writing/fixing software to be compatible with versions 3 and 4. Both of which sucked and I had a desire to go find the server and trash it. I also deal with licensing issues, but with our own software and not Novell.

All of this means I'm just spamming your thread and can't help. Sorry.