View Full Version : TV Buying

01-12-2006, 16:54
Parents have just mentioned about purchasing a new TV to me. They've come across some money they didn't expect to get so decided after a crap year to spoil themselves a bit. :)
They'll be upgrading from some POS old TV that they've had for about 8 years I think now. Not sure on the size, waiting for them to let me know but iirc it's 21" non widescreen.

They want to upgrade to a widescreen TV, they don't care about HD (Be years till they can afford anything HD related anyway), really I suspect most TVs will be an upgrade to them as the TV is getting on a bit.

Their budget's £200-300, preferably towards the £200 end of the market.
Also needs to be somewhere that delivers as my Dad can't easily lift it in or out of the car.

Any suggestions?

01-12-2006, 17:01
How about something like this (http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000BX77CK/kelkoompcpc-lcdtvs-21/ref=nosim). I know it's towards the top of the budget, but could be ok :)

01-12-2006, 17:04
Not too sure if they'll like the fact it's refurb stock (I think at least looking at the description) but otherwise it looks ideal. :) I'll let them know anyway, planning to send them a pile of links so they can make up their minds.

01-12-2006, 17:11
Sharp 32" Silver Nicam Widescreen TV 32LW (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Sharp-32-Silver-Nicam-Widescreen-TV-32LW_W0QQitemZ250054041483QQihZ015QQcategoryZ22639 QQcmdZViewItem) (To name but one - obviously other models in the shop)

Been confirmed by the guys at work, they are just up the road from me (Team Valley) and that it's new stuff too :)

01-12-2006, 17:13
it's a refurb? :huh:

I assumed it was as it's got a 1 month warranty, not sure though. :)
Personally I don't mind refurbs/store returns etc, if it saves you enough and it works, I'm happy :D

01-12-2006, 17:14
For a flat panel, that first one is hard to beat. You can of course get cheaper CRTs.

01-12-2006, 18:07
Ah fair enough :)

Seems they're not keen on the idea of getting a refurb sadly. :(

01-12-2006, 18:30
You don't have to go flat panel, you can get a pretty decent quality flat screen CRT of a decent size for that money if they're interested.

01-12-2006, 18:32
Where from? :D
I found a couple on the Dixons site, a 28" for £199.99 and a 32" for £299.99. They liked the look of the 28" one so far. :)

01-12-2006, 18:42
There's the Samsung HD-CRT for around 280iirc.

Will have to find the model number of it again.
