View Full Version : I've been playing with Wii!

03-12-2006, 19:47
Spent a few minutes today playing on a Wii.

These are just my first impressions:

Size - it's bloody teeny!
The 3 dvd case size thing holds up. It was sat next to a PS3 which made it look even smaller. The PS3 is a brick. It's huge and not that pretty.

Controller works very well.
It's good to hold and all the buttons are easily accessable. I can see why some people are finding it slippery though.

Graphics - this was being played on a 32" plasma screen and looked pretty good. Admittadly - next to the PS3 it was a lot more cartoony and was nowhere near as good, but was definately better than I expected.

Some of the others I saw looked great. Zelda in particular looked superb.


Fun factor.

I spent 15 minutes laughing my arse off while playing it. Some of it was due to my mate being hopeless at Wii Tennis, but it was a great fun game.

I can see this taking off big time. Hopefully Ninty have got it right this time.

So glad I have a pre-order in. :D


03-12-2006, 19:49
I hate you ;)

03-12-2006, 19:50
I hate you ;)

Me too. Group hate! :evil:

03-12-2006, 19:52
Personally I'm disgusted to even hear of someone playing with urine..

(also I want to play with Wii :p)

03-12-2006, 20:01
*sulks with envy* :p

03-12-2006, 20:12
Oh...forgot to mention that I was also being chatted up by a very nice blonde aussie girl. :D

It turned out that she was 18....

Too young for me tbh, also the other half would complain. But she had a superb arse. ;)


03-12-2006, 20:16
I noticed a big Wii stand in the Oracle Shopping Centre (Reading) yesterday. Was past closing time when I noticed it unfortunately. :(

Due to an abject failure at finding either a secret santa, or anything vaguely resembling something I can use as a costume, I'm probably going back next weekend. I may stop by and watch Casino Royale if it's still on as well.

03-12-2006, 20:53
i played on one too. great fun it was!

04-12-2006, 02:35
I so want one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got to wait til the new year now thou, lack of cash ! :(

04-12-2006, 08:12
Janet saw the advert for Wii sports (again) last night which turned the conversation to "they look fun, shall we get one for Josh?"

What do you think I said?


04-12-2006, 09:08
What do you think I said?:D

No he's a little too young for that, perhaps I should have one first to test it out then we can all play together. The testing may take several months? :p

04-12-2006, 09:33
No he's a little too young for that, perhaps I should have one first to test it out then we can all play together. The testing may take several months? :p

Actually I said, really excitedly "YES, GREAT IDEA, I'LL, I MEAN, HE'LL LOVE IT!!!!"

04-12-2006, 13:52
I think i've been won over by the tv advert lol, always thought it seemed gimmicky but it definately looks fun. Don't know how long it will stay fun though.

04-12-2006, 15:00
I quite fancy getting zelda if i had one, as they look quite fun!

Out of interest what does wii stand for? (sorry if it seems like a stupid question!)

04-12-2006, 15:02
Wheally interesting inside :)

04-12-2006, 15:12
Is that the console where you actually hold the controller in your hand and you actually have to move around to make it do things on the screen?

/console n00b

04-12-2006, 15:15
Aye (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5cPVP_llfo) :)

Looks like great fun.

04-12-2006, 15:17
Wow that looks really cool! Man things have moved on from the gameboy haven't they?!

04-12-2006, 15:18
Just a bit :D

04-12-2006, 15:43
Speaking of gameboys, will there be any similar possibilities with regards to games on the wii?

04-12-2006, 16:04
Wow that looks really cool! Man things have moved on from the gameboy haven't they?!

And we all know how much you like a game boy. ;) :p

I am going to be in so much pain on monday - picking up my Wii at 00:01 friday morning.

3 days of playing with my Wii non stop... *still sounds so wrong*


04-12-2006, 16:06
Won't the DS be able to hook up with the Wii?

04-12-2006, 19:37
Won't the DS be able to hook up with the Wii?

only if the games take advantage of it.

04-12-2006, 20:15
Paul's Wii is due to arrive on friday, which is the first time I see him in 2 weeks.

No prizes for guessing which he's going to play with more.

04-12-2006, 20:18
Bad luck :p

04-12-2006, 20:22
Paul's Wii is due to arrive on friday, which is the first time I see him in 2 weeks.

No prizes for guessing which he's going to play with more.

All you need to do tell him it hasn't arrived yet ;)

04-12-2006, 20:28
All you need to do tell him it hasn't arrived yet ;)

It's being delivered to his work address so he can get his sticky mitts on it sooner. I've told him to get it out of his system by the time I arrive at about 8pm. Fat chance!

04-12-2006, 20:37
Bugger he's getting it first, when you get there if all else fails hide all controller s ;)

04-12-2006, 20:39
...in my pants.

04-12-2006, 20:39
It's being delivered to his work address so he can get his sticky mitts on it sooner. I've told him to get it out of his system by the time I arrive at about 8pm. Fat chance!

Just turn up wearing a fur coat and nothing else ;)

If he goes for the Wii (*snigger*) then all hope is lost :(

04-12-2006, 20:40
...in my pants.

Go for that and everyone's a winner :D

04-12-2006, 20:40
Just turn up wearing a fur coat and nothing else ;)

If he goes for the Wii (*snigger*) then all hope is lost :(

Already been done.

He's your average techie. He'll go for the console every time!

04-12-2006, 20:42
Incorporate the Wii into your fumblings! Just make sure someone wears the wrist strap.

04-12-2006, 20:44
Incorporate the Wii into your fumblings! Just make sure someone wears the wrist strap.

Hahahaha! Like fighting for the remote only far more fun!

To be fair we're off out to see Pan's Labyrinth that night so he'll not be playing with it anyway. He's a good boy really.

04-12-2006, 20:45
Already been done.

He's your average techie. He'll go for the console every time!

In which case cut the power before you walk in and get him to light candles :p

04-12-2006, 20:48
To be fair we're off out to see Pan's Labyrinth that night so he'll not be playing with it anyway. He's a good boy really.

Playing with what exactly? :huh: :p

04-12-2006, 21:17
He's a good boy really.

I'm so sorry to hear that. :(


04-12-2006, 21:24
Hush you two you filthy people!

04-12-2006, 21:30
Hush you two you filthy people!

Just because they're ideas you hadn't thought of :p